Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Joy and Fear

Be joyful, for if you knew you only had a few hours or minutes to live, the choice would still be yours to live them in joy or fear, and it is the latter choice that is made by so many of you. Why is that? You say you prefer joy to fear, and yet so often you choose fear. You declare one thing but you do not believe it, because you do not “live” it. And when you ask for a specific thing, we cannotdeliver it because it is only words, and we must bring you all that you are fearfully aligned to, which is what you do believe and are holding to so tightly. Therefore, we will continue to deliver all you desire, and hope that it either brings you joy, or at least the recognition of your ability to create from thought.

The Sanora Journal: Blain Tomlinson.


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