What can you tell me about our origins in the beginning, that resulted in a so called rebellion, and the fall of man?
We will say that in the beginning all was GOD, and all was with GOD. However with GOD’S desire to experience physically, those things that were previously just concepts, came the splintering of the GOD self into many individual self contained identities who’s personalities were as yet untainted by experience. Now having fragmented the self, there was still the need to set the stage that would yield the results for which the journey had been undertaken,... and so all the “window dressing” (so to speak), came into being, which would facilitate a divergence from sameness toward diversity.
From diversity sprang experiences of a varying nature, and the resulting emotions which were reactions to those experiences. What once started out as sameness then, has become a vast universe of diversity and resulting physical and emotional experience.
The rebellion and resulting darkness of which you speak, is GOD'S way of establishing boundaries within which to play the game, for what good would it do to run a footrace against your opponents if there were no finish line? It would be pointless would it not? Consider the nature of your earthly experience if fully one half of the choices you now enjoy were no longer open to you.
Being good has it’s virtues, but who would consider that being “less than good,” could also have it’s virtues. Take away the possibility of being able to choose one thing over another, and you have taken away choice itself. Take away choice, and you have limited the experience, limit your experience, and you have limited GOD’S experience, and the reason he set all into motion.
The Sanora Journal: Blain Tomlinson
http://www.smashwords.com/ books/view/144496
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We will say that in the beginning all was GOD, and all was with GOD. However with GOD’S desire to experience physically, those things that were previously just concepts, came the splintering of the GOD self into many individual self contained identities who’s personalities were as yet untainted by experience. Now having fragmented the self, there was still the need to set the stage that would yield the results for which the journey had been undertaken,... and so all the “window dressing” (so to speak), came into being, which would facilitate a divergence from sameness toward diversity.
From diversity sprang experiences of a varying nature, and the resulting emotions which were reactions to those experiences. What once started out as sameness then, has become a vast universe of diversity and resulting physical and emotional experience.
The rebellion and resulting darkness of which you speak, is GOD'S way of establishing boundaries within which to play the game, for what good would it do to run a footrace against your opponents if there were no finish line? It would be pointless would it not? Consider the nature of your earthly experience if fully one half of the choices you now enjoy were no longer open to you.
Being good has it’s virtues, but who would consider that being “less than good,” could also have it’s virtues. Take away the possibility of being able to choose one thing over another, and you have taken away choice itself. Take away choice, and you have limited the experience, limit your experience, and you have limited GOD’S experience, and the reason he set all into motion.
The Sanora Journal: Blain Tomlinson
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