Thursday, May 2, 2013

Motion, Emotion and Motivation

Motion, emotion and motivation are all closely connected to one another, and the common denominator they all share is their relationship to energy. God is the source of all energy. God is consciousness (thought), energy (physicality), and intellect (will). God, who constitutes the universe, is either in a balanced energetic state of being , or in the process of balancing itself. The more contentedand relaxed you are, the less movement there is on your part. The more discontented and dissatisfied you are, the more movement there is by you.

People are energy and so they follow the laws as they apply to energy. All energy is either at rest (static), because it is balanced, or in motion (dynamic), because it is out of balance. Electrical current only flows because it is seeking to balance itself energetically. Emotion is the energetic movement away from a balanced state, toward fear or love.

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