Saturday, May 11, 2013

Is Jesus God?

So with regards to the original question,…is Jesus God? Well we can deduce that Jesus the man existed. And because he existed in the same way that you or I exist, the man could not contain the total entity that is the Creator. Therefore, Jesus could be some aspect of God, some portion of God. He could be God created, God inspired, and God directed, but then again, so can you and I. The Creator in its totality could not reside within the limiting confines of a physical vehicle such as Jesus, and still administer and up hold all of creation,…who would mind the shop while he was gone?

So my answer to this question is this,…yes Jesus was God, and so are we all, and so is everything we can lay our eyes on. Everything in creation is God. God has always been the only thing in existence, and so either you are the Creator it total, or you are some portion of the creator, and Jesus was some portion of the Creator, some aspect of the Creator whose purpose was specific, and significant as it related to the development of mankind and our relationship to God.

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