Saturday, May 25, 2013

Root of Emotions

Regardless of what is happening in your life, your thoughts become the basis which determines the type of vibrational energy you will experience in conjunction with your souls activities, as it engages in the process of continually guiding you to your highest good.

~Blain Tomlinson

Life is a balance between idealism and existing reality

Life is a balance between idealism and existing reality.

~Blain Tomlinson

The answer to finding peace and joy

The answer to finding peace and joy, in a world that appears to be working against itself, is to look for it within your mind, instead of associating it with conditions which are outside yourself. It is very difficult to individually try to control that which we have collectively created, however we do have control over our thought processes. This control starts with the decision as to where and what we will place our focus on.

~Blain Tomlinson


The only diversity between people which really means anything, is in their level of consciousness. The vibrationally higher you ascend in consciousness, the more you value love, the more loving you become, and the more consistently you interact with people from that place of love.

~Blain Tomlinson

Vibration of Love

“Nothing vibrates with as much love, joy, and truth, as your creator. Therefore, the vibrational nature of anything, is indicative of it’s alignment to it’s source”.

~Blain Tomlinson

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Still Arguing...

Why do people argue, fight, kill, and die over a topic or idea, which is supposed to be the ideal of peace and love?

People talk about evil this, evil that, and evil the next thing. Well my friend, arguments over God has sent more people to an early grave, than any other factor. In fact when it comes down to the cause of the most deaths in the world, God has out classed Lucifer, Satan, and the devil so badly, that we might have to send those three back down to the grapefruit league, for some more additional training.

Yes, let’s get a God, create a story, and kill all those who would question our belief and faith in what we have created. We’ll have peace here on Earth, if we have to kill every last man, woman and child to get it.

Bringing the World to God

You cannot bring the world to God, because it’s all God, and no one has ever left.
Your mind can not hold the reality that is the Creator, which is why people keep trying to flog their little version of God, on their fellow-man.
You can not bomb the world into a state of self-love.
Is there “one true God?” yes,…and because there is, he is big enough to encompass everyone’s version of God.

Peace of God

Nothing real can be threatened.
Nothing unreal exists.
Herein lies the peace of GOD.

Why Is There Suffering In the World?

It is because without suffering, everything would be perfection, and in that state of perfection, nothing else could be experienced. Perfection is a state of no change, and where there is a state of no change, everything exists in a static condition. Suffering allows alternate conditions to exist in the world, which expands our potential for experience, and helps develop our consciousness. Suffering allows us to make decisions about life, and hopefully, we will come up with increasingly higher vibrational responses to life, as our consciousness develops.


Desire for change is the beginning point of your upward climb to continual joy in life. Thought or consciousness, is the ladder that gets you there. Each persons life experience has formed their system of beliefs which shape their life. Your beliefs define what you determine to be just, fair and good. If you are continually angry, then you must feel that you are continually being violated in some way. 

Is Free Will An Illusion?

“is free will an illusion?”

People are self-aware. We can think about what we are thinking about!

What is the mechanism of thought that gives us the ability to think? It is our consciousness. The brain does not think. It facilitates the activity of thought, by translating physical sensory data, as well as light, into electrical impulses which become either immediately utilized, or stored in the brain, to be activated later as memories. The brain works much like a computer. However a computer doesn’t think.

Consciousness allows you to think, and in the process gives you the ability to ask questions about your environment, such as “Is free will an illusion?”

Where does your consciousness come from? Well,… it’s “not” your consciousness you’re using. Your consciousness along with everyone else’s, is an individualized part of a singular consciousness, belonging to the creator of all life.

Each of us has been given the gift of self-awareness, and we are sharing in the consciousness of the intelligence which created us. This is why GOD knows our every thought, and there can be no secrets from HER.

To say then, that you “think” there is no GOD, means that you are thinking, without giving any thought as to the mechanism of how you are thinking, or to what thought is in the first place. In effect then, you are using GODS tools, to draw the conclusion that there is no GOD!

Is free will an illusion? My answer is that your free will is always relative to the will of your creator. This means that you have free will, within the reality where your creator has placed you. This reality has its own laws, some of which, can not be violated or amended by people in any way.

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Eliminate Fear

All reality has its origin based in thought. Fear then, is first and foremost an idea which someone believes in.

Eliminate Fear

Consider the many ideas that you do not believe in at all, and as a consequence are not fearful about. Young children do not spend any time worrying about dying and thus because they are not fearful about it, they have at times a tendency to be reckless.

For the most part those ideas which you fill your mind with, and believe in, are the cause of your fear. When you never entertain those fearful thoughts, they do not activate your emotion of fear. Also when you entertain those same ideas but do not believe in them, then they do not activate your emotion of fear.

For fear to be real, you must think a specific thought, and believe in that thought.

Therefore, to undue the grip that fear may have on you, there is only the necessity of not revisiting certain thoughts or, changing your beliefs about those thoughts.

If you think that either of those is impossible, consider the fact that most of the people in the world are not afraid of the same things that you are afraid of, or do not believe some of the same things that are causing you to live in fear.

Therefore the conclusion is that your fears are for the most part unique to you, and are not based in ultimate reality, but in your own created reality. You are the source and author of your own fears.

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Saturday, May 18, 2013


This core substance which science now believes is the building block of all physical matter is not supplied by GOD, it “is” GOD. This means then that literally every physical thing you can lay your eyes on is GOD in a specific format. Indigenous people of the world were far closer to getting it right than science has been.

Trees, water, sky, clouds, animals, birds, vegetation, are all GOD manifested in various forms. People especially, are God manifested in a specific form, and our connection is unbelievably close because of the Holy Spirit, who mediates between ourselves and GOD.

Only when you can get out of your logical mind, will you be able to entertain that truth.

Additionally, love is the nature of the creator, and since everything is the creator, then everything is equal to that nature.

This means that in essence, “love is all there is.” Out of this knowledge we can now expand our idea of what love is, and start including all that we think love is not.

While there is no “must” in Gods creation, there is also no exclusion either. The two go hand in hand. It is called freedom. There is no aspect of exclusion in the concept of unity.

What happens to all the yucky low vibrational stuff we have going on here, when we pass on?

Well a thing is what it is vibrationally. And when you move into a much vibrationally higher environment, such as you will find yourself in after you have passed on, then all things will be vibrationally compatible with that environment.

Anything not compatible with that new environment will remain in its natural environment surrounded by what it is compatible with. Thus nothing is ever lost, and everything has its place in GOD’S creation.

The trick is to understand that everything in creation serves a purpose, whether it appears to or not. And that includes negativity.

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Is it possible to know, without a doubt, what is good and what is evil?

Is it possible to know, without a doubt, what is good and what is evil? The answer is yes and no. Always the safe answer, is it not? Good and evil are not specific things, but are generalities, used to describe a range of thoughts, behavior, and conditions. As such, the lines between good and evil are somewhat blurred, and open to speculation and interpretation. If there were one authority, and one interpretation, as to what was good and evil, we would be in better shape, rather than having seven billion sources of interpretation, such as we now have.
Well God is the single source which determines what is good and what is evil!
Sorry, that is not true. If God were to ever explicitly point to some one or something and say, that is evil,...we would have been able to do away with evil long ago. And,...of course if God were to point out all the people who were good,...then those who were not good, must be evil. Of course that would not be the case, if you believed in shades of gray! Then you would not be good,...but you would not be totally bad, so we won't kill you. Now your into having to make judgments about people, to see where they fall, in the natural order of things, and as soon as you start making judgments, then the possibility of error enters in, and accuracy goes out the window doesn’t it?
All reality is vibrational, and individually unique. Good and evil are generalizations, while all vibrational reality is specific. Thoughts, words, actions, and emotions, are all energy, and so are all vibrational by nature. Vibrations have an unlimited range, both up and down, however physical reality can only work with part of the possible range of vibration. We call the top of the vibrational range love, and the bottom, fear. Evil is loveless activity, and good is love filled activity. So everything is just love, in various ranges of quantity and quality. If your looking for specifics, then only the most loving person in the whole world could be called good, and only the most loveless person could be called bad, the rest of us would fall somewhere in between those two parameters. Really then, there is only relative good and relative evil in the world, and who gets to decide which is which?

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Are You a Clone or an Original

Imagine if you will, a state of the world where every new-born child becomes, in their formative years, subject to the beliefs and wishes of their parents. Then as they grow older, they enter a structured learning environment, and become subject to the designs, beliefs, and dictates of the state.

Whereupon once they graduate, they possibly move up the educational ladder, and become subjected to the designs, beliefs and dictates of an institutional authority, as well as the beliefs of the collective consciousness.

Then at long last, when they move out into the world, they find themselves subject to the design, beliefs and dictates of their trade or professional organization, their state, country, and those of the collective consciousness.

Now it goes without saying that this imaginary scenario of which I am speaking, is not a world-wide model, but it has the potential to apply to everyone, either in whole or in part.

An intelligent question might be, when, and how, under a system such as I have described, where every belief system presented is the thought process of another individual, is there any room, or encouragement toward original thinking?

And so we come to the crux of the matter, when we ask the question, can or will anything change day-to-day, when we continue to mold every new mind that comes into the world, after a model that has proven itself generation after generation, to be in the main,…dysfunctional?

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Creative Possibility

People have a tendency to create their future based, on their past. They don’t really believe all possibilities exist as a choice for them to experience. Instead, they choose from what they believe is possible, given their limitations. “People believe in limitation, more than they believe in limitless possibility.”

Outside of this physical plane of existence, there is no such thing as time. Past present and future exist as one continuum in what we call the “now,” the only real-time there is. In that one moment of “now,” GOD created from within himself, all that exists, and along with that, the “one” created duality.

In that one moment of “now,” the metaphysical universe was created. Every “possibility” exists as a potential reality, just waiting to be called into form by the person, or soul doing the creating.

Thus the only limitation to you receiving your highest good, is your own self-imposed limitation of what is possible. It is true, that anything you can conceive, and believe, you can achieve.

Of course,… you’re not all “here!” The greater part of yourself, (your higher self), is guiding and supporting you during this current incarnation, and so while anything is possible, you are also creating within a preconceived framework set out by your higher self prior to this incarnation.

And so it is more appropriate to say that anything that you can conceive, and believe, that falls within your pre-established reasons for being,… you can achieve. All else will cause you to feel as if you’re paddling up-stream.

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Life is For Living and Loving

Life is for living and loving. You may feel or experience anything you desire, but your greatest joy and source of contentment will come from giving and receiving the emotion which you know as love. Of course each person's idea about love will be different, but there will still be the greatest feeling of contentment within each, and that will be their personal experience of love.

The Sanora Journal: Blain Tomlinson.

Love Your Brother As Yourself

When all of you begin to love your brother as yourself, there will no longer be a need for a judicial system, because no one will be putting their interests ahead of anyone else, and you will all voluntarily take care of one another.

The Sanora Journal: Blain Tomlinson.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Blogging About The Metaphysics of Life

The blogs that are soon to be forthcoming from this site, will deal primarily with the hidden aspects of life, which sooner or later reveal themselves through our daily activities. While a person may be able to shield their most intimate thoughts from the prying eyes of society, they can not so easily disguise their “activities,” which are the creations of those hidden thoughts.
If you have lived in this world for any length of time, you may have noticed that no matter how sophisticated the ruling factions of this world perceive themselves to be, they don’t seem to have any workable answers or lasting solutions to life’s serious problems. For the most part we are all still operating under “school yard” rules.
There are still schoolyard bullies out there, trying to intimidate the rest of us, there are still those small closed circles of friends that we hang with, and who exclude others from joining in, for whatever reason. There is still the “in crowd” and those who don’t yet have it together, and let’s not forget the geeks, and the nerds and the dorks.
In my opinion we need to move away from pet theories about how to coexist peacefully, and get to the root cause of a problem that has plagued humanity since there have been people. Everything in this world has its origin in thought, and so I love to talk about themind and the thought processes that take place as a result . This world we live in, is nothing more than the results we have created through our mind, and while some people may not find this topic has much sex appeal, it is in fact the “most” important topic in the world, due to the fact that it “creates” the world.

Getting Clear...

All creation starts with thought, moves through, and beyond speech, and finalizes with action. Factors which affect our thinking, will in turn affect our creative ability. It therefore makes sense to say, that if we are able to consistently think in a manner that equates to our highest good, we should in turn, realize success in our creative efforts.
In as much as we would like to maintain a specific mode of thinking, life has a way of bringing us stimulus, which we emotionally react to, and causes us to stray from our intended course of thinking, and our highest good.
Since fluctuations in your emotional state, equal fluctuations in your creative ability, it is most beneficial to us, to maintain an emotional state, that allows us to create at an optimal level. The emotional states of people, are often altered by random memories of past emotionally charged events. Some of these mood altering memories are joyful, and beneficial, however some are not.
Over time, the effects of storing these emotionally charged events, becomes cumulative, and starts to affect our lives in ways that are not always easily recognizable. Some symptoms are, poor memory, trouble processing information, apathy, depression, confusion, poor self-image, poor organizational skills, reduced energy etc.
All body processes, require, and consume energy, and any energy associated with maintaining a growing collection, of past emotionally charged negative issues, is energy that is not available to your present creative efforts.
By exploring past issues, and releasing the emotional charge, associated with these issues, a person will benefit emotionally, physically and creatively. In some circles the technique is called “emotional release”, in others it’s called “clearing”, however the intent, and end results are all the same.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Who Are You.....Really?

You are already free, and what blocks you from that realization is your "thoughts" of who you are...
You are "silent awareness"...

Ego Friend Or Foe

How should we view the ego? Well that is a worthy question because the ego has been responsible for some of the greatest acts of human kindness, as well as for the greatest crimes against humanity.

How can this be, and what can we do if it is true?

First of all it would benefit you to understand that your ego is a natural part of your survival equipment while you are in physical form. However, just like fear, which serves a function, it has over time become distorted until it is now a dominant source of pain and discontent to the world.

Due to limited knowledge, humanity during its inception came to believe many things about life and creation that were not true.

The Soul...

Your soul is an individual aspect of divine creation, and is the storehouse of all knowledge, experience and feeling, which has been yours since your movement from singularity into multiplicity. It is that divine aspect of your being whose role is to facilitate all the creative efforts you may engage in during your earthly sojourns, and which oversees and guides you in each lifetime, and keeps you intimately connected to your creator.

The Sanora Journal: Blain Tomlinson.

Love is a communication link to your source...

“Love is a communication link to your source, and to each other”.
~Blain Tomlinson

The Movement Toward Love

“The movement toward love, is a movement toward alignment with the creative force of the universe, all else is a movement towards love’s polar opposite, which is fear,… varying only by degree, and in magnitude”.
~Blain Tomlinson

Focus on Love and Joy

“Focus on love, joy, and truth, and your emotions and actions, cannot help but respond in kind”.
~Blain Tomlinson

Saturday, May 11, 2013

What is "Love" ?

Love is a “word symbol,” for a vibrational state of being and expression, that is used by all people at one time or another. The actual lettering of the word symbol may vary from culture to culture, however the idea and feelings that are trying to be conveyed through the use of that word symbol, remain constant. For our purposes, we will use the English language word “love,” as our word symbol for this exercise in delving into it’s mysteries. Now considering that love is a single word, humanity has managed to attach a very broad range of meaning to it, to the point where when two people are speaking about love, they can be exhibiting extreme vibrational dissimilarities. This is so, because at any given time a person can only express him or herself, within the working vibrational range of their present conscious awareness and understanding.
Therefore, as one's personal vibration increases through the act of living, the individual continues to make gains along mental, emotional and experiential lines, that eventually equate to knowledge. Thereafter, those new found values become the basis for higher vibrational concepts surrounding the definition and realities of love.

The Sanora Journal: Blain Tomlinson.

What Is Most Important In Life?

Our answers to that question could be all over the map, revealing the variations in priorities which people hold.

The words "most important," signify a narrow, limited, field of possibility. It does not imply an endless variation.
What is important in life?
The important thing in life, is that which "sustains life!" If you cannot sustain life, then any argument about which aspect of life is most important, is really a mute question!
So what sustains life?
That which we call the creator, or god, creates all life, and sustains everything it creates. Questions about the existence of God are totally ridiculous. People neither create life, in the largest sense of the word, nor are they able to sustain what has already been created! God on the other hand can, and does, do both. Therefore, God is at the top of my list of what is most important in life, and after that, comes the vibrational reality of love, which covers the whole spectrum of reality.

At the top of my list then, is God who is love itself, and everything else falls within the scope of those two categories,... so in reality, I have included everything, and missed nothing.


Is Jesus God?

So with regards to the original question,…is Jesus God? Well we can deduce that Jesus the man existed. And because he existed in the same way that you or I exist, the man could not contain the total entity that is the Creator. Therefore, Jesus could be some aspect of God, some portion of God. He could be God created, God inspired, and God directed, but then again, so can you and I. The Creator in its totality could not reside within the limiting confines of a physical vehicle such as Jesus, and still administer and up hold all of creation,…who would mind the shop while he was gone?

So my answer to this question is this,…yes Jesus was God, and so are we all, and so is everything we can lay our eyes on. Everything in creation is God. God has always been the only thing in existence, and so either you are the Creator it total, or you are some portion of the creator, and Jesus was some portion of the Creator, some aspect of the Creator whose purpose was specific, and significant as it related to the development of mankind and our relationship to God.

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Loving The Conditions Of Your Life

Loving the conditions of your life will ensure that your thoughts stay vibrationally high, and that all you are drawing into your life, will be for your own, and other people's highest good. 
Another reason for loving your life is that your dominant personal rate of vibration will remain consistently high, which will draw to you, people of like mind.

The pocket Guide To Loving Your Life: Blain Tomlinson

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Experience and Growth

At the highest level of universal reality, God knows all, but the individual aspects of itself who are gathering physical life experience, do not remember their source or true nature, and even when they are told who or what they really are, without the actual experience of it, that information has nothing within the person, that it can connect to. Personal growth then, is about the multiple rounds and levels, and dimensions of existence, that humanity undergoes, during its journey to fulfill the Creator's mandate, “to know thy self” and to “be perfect, even as your father in heaven is perfect.” This of course, all requires experience, and as you can probably comprehend, there is no substitute in life for actual experience. Maybe now, you can understand with more ease, why there is no way that you can shortcut the system of personal growth and development that the Creator has implemented for all of us. Each of us is here with an objective we desire to fulfill, and it will be fulfilled...eventually. There is no advancement through ignorance, only advancement through experience, and when you try to eliminate experience, you are working against your own personal growth.

The pocket Guide To Loving Your Life: Blain Tomlinson

Wings To Paradise

Turning to Peace Lyrics
by Paul Schwartz

No more roads
No more seas
No more flight now
Turning to peace

Words will die
Thoughts will cease
Falling silent
Turning to peace

Love may come
Love it may leave
Touch me, let your reasons go

Eyes will close
Hearts will ease
Hands fall helpless
Turning to peace

Don't run free
Stay with me
Keeps what's found
And we'll come into peace

Love may fade
Don't be afraid
Hold me near and hear me breathe

Don't look back
Don't look down
Don't go looking for release

Expressing Creative Ability

By giving us both the desire and ability to create, God is able to multiply itself many times over. This means that creation will continue to expand on many fronts simultaneously, creating new physical reality and experience. When you are being creative, you are expressing yourself according to your natural design, and when those creative urges are being suppressed by yourself, other people, or life circumstances, there is a tendency to feel less than joyful. This is because any suppression of your desire to create, is a violation of your freedom to be yourself. Your natural creative abilities require expression, and need an outlet that is positive and satisfying, both to yourself and to other people. Expressing your creative ability must always be done with the best of intentions, for the highest good of everyone.

The pocket Guide To Loving Your Life: Blain Tomlinson

What Is Love?

Would you please tell me about the nature of love, and touch on its importance?
We would be most happy to increase your knowledge about so important a topic. Love is a “word symbol,” for a vibrational state of being and expression, that is used by all people at one time or another.
The actual lettering of the word symbol may vary from culture to culture, however the idea and feelings that are trying to be conveyed through the use of that word symbol, remain constant. For our purposes, we will use the English language word “love,” as our word symbol for this exercise in delving into it’s mysteries.