Saturday, June 8, 2013

Joy Through Intent And Focus

When we reflect upon humanity’s past history, can it be truly said that we can remember a time when there was no war in progress somewhere on the planet? Has there ever been a time when the world didn’t consist of rich and poor, strong and weak, happy and sad, healthy and sick, righteous and evil?
Regardless of what has been, or is now happening on our planet, no time is ever as perilous to the fearful mind, as those times in which they now find themselves currently living in.
The joy in this world, is no more or less prevalent today, then when Christians were being fed to the lions, witches were being burned at the stake, and humanity hovered on the brink of total nuclear devastation.
Joy is an experience and feeling, which people have sought and achieved, all down though our recorded history, regardless of what was occurring on the planet at any given time. Should joy then be seen as being more elusive today, than yesterday?

If joy ever existed, it exists now, as equally as it has at any time in our past, all we need to do to experience continuous joy, is to make that our intent and focus.
When you decide to have a picnic by the lake, on a fine summer’s day with your loved ones, you can choose to focus on the beautiful scenery, perfect weather, and wonderful company or,… you can place your focus entirely on the ants, or the few bugs you’re probably going to encounter, as part of this outing, and let them spoil the whole event.
The choice to find and experience joy in life, is always there for each of us, however you will only reach it through your intent, because without intent, other factors will rise up in prominence, to capture your attention, and cause your experience to be something other than joyful.
Joy is not something external to you. Joy is activated within you, as a result of some specific interaction with your environment.
If joy was external to you, all you would have to do to experience joy, is to place yourself in it’s path, and your experience of joy would be guaranteed. Yet two people can experience the same set of circumstances, and reach two different conclusions about the nature of that experience. This is true, because each person was operating from a mind, which contained a different belief system, that resulted in different conclusions, to a common set of circumstances.
And so, even with the intent to experience joy, your beliefs are the modifying factor, that causes you to judge one experience, to be more or less joyful than another. The belief for example, that your present time in which you find yourself living, is more perilous than any other, becomes your reality within which you are living.
Trying to find joy in a fear based reality, becomes much more difficult, because of where you have chosen to place your focus. However, with a different set of beliefs, you can come to an entirely new perspective about life today, and experience joy on a continual basis as a result.
It would be advantageous to remember, that the expansion of individual consciousness, through physical life experience, is the goal of every soul incarnate on the planet today, and,… through the expansion of individual consciousness does, the collective consciousness of humanity, rise to new heights.
Therefore, the more love, truth, and joy, you are able to experience within yourself, the more you are able to radiate those higher vibrational values out into the world, to be shared with, and enjoyed by other people.
And so in closing, I say, look within yourself for that which you seek, for all joy is perceived by the mind, and sourced within the human heart, only waiting to be recognized and shared between yourself, and those other people who make up this world

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