Monday, September 30, 2013

The Beginning Is God

This is an excerpt from my latest book called “A river Of Plenty,” which is written, and soon to be published,…if I ever get my buns in gear.
This is a book about the unlimited abundance which is available from creation.
As a person looks around at their environment, they see evidence everywhere of the variety and unlimited abundance of the natural world. Who can fix a number to the amount of raindrops that have fallen since the beginning of time? Who can estimate the number of grains of sand there cumulatively are on all the beaches of the world, or that make up all the deserts on earth? How many drops of water are there in all the oceans and lakes, how many blades of grass, trees, plants, variety of insects, birds or animals are there?
Everywhere we look, we see nothing but abundance and variety without limitation, all around us. We have not as yet mentioned all of creation that lies outside the physical boundaries of earth, such as planets, stars, comets, asteroids, galaxies, nebula, gas clouds, or any of the other universe phenomena. The unlimited abundance they represent is unfathomable to the human mind, who is used to dealing with limitation. Then of course, there is the whole nonphysical realm of existence, which lies outside the range of our sense receptors. The largest part of creation is just unlimited potential, awaiting activation into that which is spiritual or physical. This unlimited potential knows no boundaries or restrictions. When acted upon, it becomes “activated,” becoming the equivalent of the pattern which is being imprinted on it, and it does so, with no regard to quantity or size, except as is imposed by the pattern itself.
When an architect is designing a new building that is in the neighborhood of 100 stories tall, an exceptional amount of thought, time and energy, goes into the design and planning of the foundation which will support that structure. It does not take much education to realize that one critical mistake in the design or execution of the supporting foundation of that building, will probably result in a serious structural flaw, which could possibly limit the height of that building, to only 10 stories, if indeed the building could be built at all. Beginnings then, can be very important, and can lead to either a disastrous or successful conclusion to any endeavor.
When we’re discussing the unlimited abundance that is visible on earth and throughout all creation, it is only proper that we start at the beginning with the Creator, who is usually referred to as God. The Creator is the foundational level upon which all creation is built, however, any structure will degrade over time, and requires continual maintenance to keep it fully functional. The creator not only designs and manifests all of creation, but he maintains it as well, thereby, ensuring its continuing existence. Creating wealth and abundance in your life is all about aligning yourself with the laws which govern the universe, thereby, allowing yourself to get into the flow of all this potential good, which really is what I call “a river of plenty.”
This river of plenty is a very good visual picture for the human mind to grasp, as it relates to wealth, abundance and prosperity, because it allows us to visualize ourselves either as being on the river, or on the bank outside the river, meaning we’re outside the flow of universe abundance. Then it also allows us to visualize our direction, with regards to that of the river itself. We can be going upstream against the current, across the current, or downstream with the current, which we usually call “going with the flow.” Our movement in relationship to the movement of the river, represents the amount of resistance we have to the flow of universe abundance. This resistance is never intentional, after all, which of us would withhold our highest good from ourselves? Our resistance is the result of ignorance, of misinformation, that results in false beliefs about the nature reality itself. False believes then, are responsible for continued actions which act as resistance, to all that you are trying to create.

Friday, September 20, 2013

You Can’t Disprove The Existence of God Part 2

In a previous post, I talked about the idea that, in a creation which is sourced in consciousness, and revealed to our senses through vibration, one cannot go about the task of proving or disproving the highest order of creation,… which is “God,”… If they are unable to first prove or disprove, a lesser order of creation, which is “themselves!”
If anyone can not first prove “they exist,” then they are ill-equipped to prove or disprove, higher orders of reality!
Now before you start rolling your eyes, making weird facial expressions, and stating that, “this is the most stupid thing this guy has said yet,” you might want to step on the clutch, and put your brain in gear!
I myself have realized I had touched on an important issue, however, at the time, it did not realize how profound it was, and is!
When it comes to proving you exist, you can not used the thing whose reality you are trying to prove, as the base for all your analysis. In this case, the thing you are trying to prove is you, and you are not trying to discern your behavior, but rather “your very existence.”
So if you start your analysis or study, with the foregone conclusion that “you already exist, by making use of all your physical senses and mental faculties,” then your whole experiment is a foregone conclusion, in favor of a predetermined outcome!
In other words, your scientific experiment, is no experiment at all, because you have a bias in favor of your belief that you exist!
To properly set out to prove you exist, you would have to first eliminate the use of your physical body, senses, mind and your consciousness, (that part of you which is self aware). Once you have done that, then you are ready to start your experiment, with one condition,… It is you and only you, performing this experiment!
You can get others to assist you, “as long as you don’t use your body, senses, mind, or consciousness, to enlist their aid,” otherwise you invalidate the whole experiment!
Now I defy you to name any experiment ever done, where the person conducting the experiment was not personally involved in it in some way!
The point here is this,… the ego attitude within the scientific community, which exists at all levels, is such that some scientists feel they are fully qualified to make statements regarding the highest order of universe reality, which we should take seriously, when they cannot even prove the existence of a lower order of reality,… that being themselves!
Being that there it is only one God, but over seven billion people, you would think the idea of proving your own existence would be easy! Does one need a P.H.D. in order to discern the validity of the ideas I have just expressed?
Any scientist who had just read what I have written, and had dedicated his whole academic career to science, might dismiss this idea as the ramblings of  an uneducated crackpot! “Tell me that a scientific bias does not exist,” even before an experiment begins! It exists as a condition in the mind of the scientist at the ego level, which keeps them from being truly objective!
To expand on my idea, one can say for certain that, “if you cannot prove you exist, then you cannot rely on any data generated by the results of your inquiry, as proof that anyone, or anything else exists!” Now how profound and far-reaching is that statement!
People will for the most part, think this will concept is ridiculous, only because it screws up all the established scientific bases for experimentation and thought. It is very inconvenient for science, and people in general, to start thinking along these lines.
This concludes my second post about being qualified to prove or disprove the existence of God.
As a footnote to this post, I must also say that, ” using this theory, it would be equally hard to prove that God does exist!”

Sunday, September 15, 2013

You Can’t Disprove The Existence Of God

A person can not prove that God does not exist, for the reason that in a hierarchy of reality, where consciousness rules, one would have to be able to disprove the existence of lesser reality, before attempting, or being able to disprove the existence of “all” reality, which is what God really is.
Therefore, in starting to prove or disprove the nature of God, one should first be able to prove that “they themselves exist!” Otherwise, you are ill-equipped to proceed further!
Unfortunately, one can not use themselves, or any of their senses, as part of the proof, or process of proving you exist.
You have yet to actually prove you exist,…so using data from yourself or mind, would be equal to using data from a questionable source, because after all, the whole experiment is about whether or not you exist.
Using your own mind and senses to prove you exist, would be the equivalent of using yourself as the sole reference on a job application! A good idea,…but not considered as proof of anything!
When you realize that not being able to “use yourself in any way,” would severely hamper your ability to prove your existence, then you’ll also realize that most of your pet theories about the existence of God, are just that,…theories.
Now personally, I have come up with a few creative proofs that I exist, like dialing 777-beer and having my order delivered to “ME”, or not paying taxes, and getting red-letter mail delivered to “Me,” or the best proof of all,…getting presents with “My” name on them from Santa! Also if you have children, we will also cut you some slack and allow you to use them as proof you exist,…however, we rescind that privilege if you have a mailman in your area!

Friday, September 6, 2013

The Law Of Attraction And Inclusion

Here is an interesting thought.
As one looks around at all that is going on in life, it can be seen that there is much occurring that one would not want to make a part of their experience. However, there is nothing in your awareness that you are able to exclude from your life.
The creator holds within itself all knowable reality, and nothing exists outside of it. Therefore, GOD is inclusive of all that is.
Inclusion then, is an attribute of the creator, as is love, which is a vibrational representation of all reality. Inclusion by definition means “everything,” and while exclusion may, at the dualistic level of physical reality, represent the opposite of inclusion, at higher levels of awareness there is no such reality as exclusion.
At higher level of awareness, life just is, and all things are.
Everything in reality is an energetic vibrational expression, of a specific frequency, magnitude and type, which defines it’s nature. Love then, is the total nature of all life, expressed vibrationally.
What this means is that love is inclusive by nature, and that is exactly what we find to be true at the highest levels of reality.
Every person lives in a co-created physical reality, and so it is not possible or even desirable to exclude anything from this environment, for the reason that all co-created reality are merely props within the play that you are experiencing, and a play with no props would be far less functional and entertaining. You may however, select and include more of what appeals to you into your life, and since inclusion is in line with the natural order of things, that action will work.
An individual can only think one thought at a time therefore, focusing on what you “do want” is the beginning to including more of that into your life, while focusing on what you “don’t want” is also the beginning of including more of that into your life.
Because there is no such reality as exclusion, the greatest single factor of creating more of what you like has to do with what you are placing your focus on.
The law of attraction then is dominated by the reality of inclusion, and is activated and controlled principally by what and where you are placing your focus.
Now you can understand why fighting anything is a choice to place your focus on what you don’t want, thinking that some how you are working towards what you do want. Even if it was somehow true, it would still be the long way around to your goal!
Realize that what you don’t want only exists for the purpose of deciding what you do want in life. Once you have made your decision about what you want, that is what you should focus on in order to achieve your goal in the most joyous way possible.
We hope this aids your creative en devours.
Love, peace, and joy, unto you and yours.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Secret of Money

money-1372408046MNtIn this post I want to cut through all the B.S. that surrounds the topic of money. It has become the biggest con job in existence, and is making virtual slaves out of the population, as they try in vain to understand money, and accumulate enough for their own personal needs. Just like the taxation system, which is continually morphing into something different and more complicated than it has to be, money also has taken the same route, and “economists” are merely people immersed in a sea of B.S., who claim to be able to make sense out of what is essentially nonsense!
First lets establish the difference between money and assets. Assets are what you “want.” They are what you trade the money for. Assets and money “used to be the same thing,…like when a $20 gold coin had $20 dollars worth of gold in it. The coin was money and the gold in the coin was an asset. When we moved to paper money, the $20 dollar bill was money, but is no longer an asset, because you would not pay $20 in paper money, to buy $20 in paper money, and you also would not trade $20 in gold for a $20 dollar paper note,…well, not if you had two brain cells to rub together. This paper money was supposed to be backed up by a gold reserve owned by the government, and it was for a while. Today there is far more money floating around out there then there is gold to back it up, for various reasons.
In this current economy we have moved to computer controlled systems of money generation, and manipulation. Currently money is, and has been for quite a while now, nothing more than a computer “byte” of information, within a software program in a bank’s computer.
In the old days, it was a theory that all money benefited people in general, only when it was kept in circulation. Money that is out of circulation is almost out of the economy, and is not benefiting anyone, to any great extent. This theory is still widely believed, however, the reality of money has changed so that this theory no longer is applicable, and I will explain why.
The secret has to do with money, verses assets.
In our economy, most of the wealth is consolidated at the top and owned by a relatively small number of people all over the globe,…they own and control Global corporations, assets and banks. If money and assets were the same thing, then why is all the gold, land, castles, mansions, palaces, forests, farms, mines, fine art, expensive cars, jewelry, malls, apartment buildings, oil fields, condos and corporations, all owned by those people at the top? Why do they not get paid off in, and accumulate the same, digital currency they pay us off with?
The answer is that “they are not stupid,” they know what real assets are, and they set up the whole monetary system we now use, so they could control the money game, with the intent of capturing all the worlds real assets, and leave us sitting with a bank account full of their digital currency, which is worth what???
At the end of the day it is the person who owns his house and farmland and livestock, and can feed his family, who is the winner, not the guy or gal with a bank account full of digital “Air!”
Digital money is still in circulation and gives the impression the economy is okay, however the real assets of the world have long since been bought up by the power brokers, and are no longer in circulation. This means that if the real world assets are in the hands of just a private few, then they are not available for the rest of humanity to enjoy! This is why real assets are not now in circulation, nor have they been for a long time. Additionally, when you are in possession of real assets, then you have something of value to trade with other people. This is of great benefit in those times when money becomes worthless. Try trading your account full of air for a side of beef during the next depression!
I hope you’re getting this, because the world needs people who are awake if we are to continue to make any real progress here.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

What Is Love

All love is the highest feeling of well-being and contentment that each of us has ever experienced. So in that regard, it is slightly different for each of us. The reason we can all feel it, is because it is a vibration. And,… because we all feel “something,” and label it love, then love can not be a “specific” vibrational frequency at our level of existence.
The variable nature of the frequency of vibration we each experience, and call love, can span quite a range, when you consider there are close to seven billion people all having some kind of love experience. And so, people’s idea of what love is, are no different from their ideas about what truth, or freedom, or joy are.
All life is vibrational, and “is God,” in just a different form. God is love, and its nature his loving. Therefore, all reality is just a vibrational expression of love. We can now say that, because everything is love, the only variation from one aspect of reality to the next, is in its vibrational frequency.
What is love? Love is “all there is,” (God) continually expressing itself, as some form of vibrationall frequency. The only reason that one aspect of reality on earth feels more loving than another, is because of the vibrationall frequency it represents. The lowest of vibrationall frequencies causes us to feel the least amount of love, and those same frequencies cause the beliefs which spur people on to act in the least loving ways.
The opposite is true of the highest of vibrationall frequencies, which is why people gravitate to the highest, and are repelled by the lowest of vibrationall frequencies.
What is love?
Love is the emotional guidance system that allows each of us to interact with each other at the highest level of reality here on earth.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Sanora On The Most Important Thing In Life

Sanora, will you comment on what you think the most important thing, or idea in life is, for people in general?
Very well my son, we will be happy to expand your awareness in that area.
Our answer to your question, would be this. Each person’s level of conscious development, and it’s effctive utilization, is the most important thing in life.
One cannot interact with that, which they are currently unaware of! Awareness is a factor of development. The greater your development of consciousness, the more reality you become aware of, and can interact with. Life in your environment is vibrationally based, and most people are fully aware of their “personal limitations.”  What they are not aware of is, “the reality which exists outside the vibrational range of their senses,” and thus, they make a limited efforts to discover it.
You will not interact with that, which lies outside the vibrational range of your conscious awareness, unless of course, it seeks you out.
To believe that all of creation could be jammed into the confines of human consciousness, and the limited vibrational range of human physical senses, is a source of humor for the rest of creation. You have a saying on your planet which is, “they don’t know, what they don’t know.” This statement is so true, although we would add something to it, so that it would read as  follows, “they don’t know, or care about, what they don’t know!”
Fear works to reduce a person’s personal ambition for discovery.
It keeps people hitched to the post of familiarity, and hobbled in their attempts at “self discovery.” Expanding one’s consciousness, opens the door to a much larger version of reality, from which people may then make additional choices. The development of consciousness is never-ending, which always keeps the game of life fresh and new. This is the reason why there is constant change happening throughout all of creation, instead of it existing as a fixed, perfect reality, which has no place to go, because it cannot be improved upon.
Have we serve to well my son?
Yes thank you Sanora, that was great.
You’re most welcome. Now, if there is nothing further, we will take our leave. Peace, love and joy, unto you and yours.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Law Truth And Reality

alaska-67164_640It could be said that “reality is existence, as it is, in each moment of now.” Reality then, could be within time/space, or outside of it. Truth could be either relative to the truth of God, or equal to it. Because Earth is within time/space, most of our truths are relative, but they don’t have to be. Law is reality and the truth of God, working in tandem, to create conditions which are totally and continually consistent, which we call law. Truth is the working of God’s will and consciousness. Reality is the creative result, and law is the continual and consistent operation of that reality.