Monday, October 28, 2013


I am not the only one writing about the idea of specialness, there are others. The subject of specialness is one that deals with the battle between one’s head and their heart.
People dislike this topic probably because it’s subject matter is so prevalent throughout society, and touches people in a personal way. Who does not have someone special in their life, and if you do, then you must be a supporter of the concept. Keep in mind that specialness is just a word symbol that tries to explain what is basically an emotional feeling.
There is a spiritual reality that nullifies the concept of specialness, and that is what this post is all about. Before I go much further, I will first make a statement that defines my position on the subject.
“The world is in the shape it is in, because we have too much specialness.”
God is the source of creation. Everything did, and still does, reside within the whole that we call God, who is whole, complete, and unifying, even in the midst of an expanding creation. Oneness, or unification, is equal to God and separation is equal to what we call the “fall,” which is the descent of spirit into physical matter.
Unity then represents the beginning, and separation represents what we are living now.
In simple terms then, unification represents symbolically, your desire to reunite with God, while separation, symbolizes your desire to remain apart from God.
The whole function of specialness is to isolate certain people, and define them as being different in some way to other people. This difference becomes equated with their increased value to you, and their increased value makes them worthy of being loved to a higher degree than other people.
Thus, in the process of making a person special, we have isolated them, elevated them, imbued them with qualities above the norm, and view them as being worthy of receiving love in quantities and in quality, far beyond what you would extend to others.
In case you can’t tell, (and you probably can’t), this is any ego created idea from the word go!
Specialness is totally, totally, totally, an ego created and driven concept. Nothing which separates, alienates or segregates, could be called unifying, And real love is unifying, because love is God!
Specialness is in an ego fiction, it does not exist, except at the level of your ego driven mind.
So tell the truth. It’s ok to say you feel more love for one person than another, that is the truth. It’s not ok to say the reason you feel more love, is because they are special. That is a lie!
No one in this world is any more special than anyone else!
If they were, you might as well throw the concept of  ”equality” right out the window, because it would have no application. You can’t have your cake and eat it too! Specialness or equality, pick one and stick with it!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Being Realistic

When people talk about being “realistic,” most often they are speaking about life circumstances, or ideas in a “pessimistic” way. That is because, that is the nature of their personality.
Realism, and pessimism do not have to go hand in hand, although they often do.
Being “optimistic” is technically, not really possible! Optimism only exists when facts are not yet known, or situations have not yet fully developed. Optimism refers to the future, which is not here yet. There is no need to be optimistic about something that has already unfolded! Since we look to the future, but only can live in the here and now, optimism, is a kind of happy fiction.
Being realistic, to my way of thinking, means being present to all that is going on as it relates to you and the world you live in. It means being fully aware, and then making the best decisions for yourself and others, based on that awareness. It means making those decisions “now,” because that is the only time that counts for anything!
What then defines a good decision?
A good decision is made with as much awareness as is possible at the time, and with the intent of being guided by love, in your decision, and it is made “now,” as opposed to later.
Being realistic means operating within the reality of the moment,…but what is reality? Reality is synonymous with truth,…truth of the way things are in the moment. Reality and truth have no origins in “appearances,” although they may at times be the same. Reality and truth stand alone regardless of appearances to the contrary.
Humanity succumbs to the lure of appearances because of the limitations of their physical senses and their level of awareness. Their idea of reality suffers as a result.
Being realistic means being grounded in reality, which is based in truth, which is synonymous with love, which is God.
It does not mean being overly pessimistic, or groundlessly optimistic. It means just being “real.”

Thursday, October 17, 2013


Your government “needs” to have enemies!
That sounds stupid,…why would you say that?
All governments “need” to have enemies, “do” have enemies, and have “always had” enemies.
If they didn’t have enemies, then they would have no reason to have, or keep secrets!
Enemies are what allow the government to have secret weapons, programs, departments within the government, and various levels of secrecy.
The need for secrecy from your enemies, allows you to create secret sectors of government who,… spy not only on the their enemy, but after a while, start spying on its own people,…as we are all now finding out, through the efforts of those people who still have a conscience,  Of course, because these people are revealing secrets which should never have been secret in the first place, they are branded by the secret level of government, as traitors to the whole country!
When in reality, they are really traitors to immorality!
Soon you have secret government keeping secrets from the enemy, and its own people. Before long, many things become “classified” and the government has no accountability to anyone, for anything! Maybe now you can see why everybody has become the enemy,… everybody is subversive!
A secret government does not have to account for its actions, because their actions are always done under the guise of “National security.”
How did things get like this?
They got like this because you like it when they pat you on the head and say, “ It’s okay, daddy’s looking after things, you just go back to sleep!”
Now as far as the secret government is concerned, everybody is the enemy, and it will protect itself at all costs.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Energy With Intelligence

In order to benefit from the river of plenty, it helps to have some background information about its source, which is God. Many people don’t believe in God, and of those people who do believe in God, a great many of them feel that we can not come to know the nature of the Creator.
Of course, they feel that same attitude about a lot of things in life, and it really is just a case of mental laziness asserting itself. The fact of life is that understanding God, is no different from understanding the most complex aspects of physical life, because God “is that aspect of physical life,” and so anything we do understand, becomes a specific understanding of the Creator itself. So in effect we are coming to know the nature of the Creator, piece by piece, like a giant jig saw puzzle. This is the same motivation which admonishes us to “know thy self,” for in coming to know yourself as a member of humanity, we come to know something about the whole.
As we look around at the world, and our universe, we can say for sure that it is composed of energy in various “forms,” which we have come to realize is vibrational in nature. Energy appears to be the source of all created matter, and one question that plagues people is whether or not this energy, which we call the “Creator” has intelligence? The whole question of whether there is an intelligent, energetic, benevolent force behind the design of all creation, is only kept alive because people separate themselves from God.
Consider the idea that, “if you and I exist as an energetic, intelligent, benevolent, entity, then why not God?” We are each an aspect of God and so the part must be of the same nature and quality as the whole, just like a bucket of water we draw from a well must be equal in its nature to the rest of the well water. None of us can be something God is not, and of course the reverse is also true. People can be equal to God in many areas, but certainly not all. God always reigns supreme over its creations, just as you and I do over our own.
When it comes to creating your desires from the river of plenty, it helps to keep in mind that we are always dealing with energy which follows an intelligent design, natural law being the design which I am speaking of. Natural law functions with such consistency, and regularity, that it appears to be undeviating. Also, we consider certain aspects of reality, such as gravity, to be natural law because we have not as yet found a way to be able to suspend those aspects on a large-scale, and in many cases we may never achieve that ability as long as we reside within this environment.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Consciousness And Thought

One of the fundamental aspects of God’s created reality is consciousness. We hear a lot about it, and we all make use of it, but how many of us really know what it is, or how would works? If everything was first a thought, then what is the relationship between thought and consciousness? Which comes first, and is responsible for creation?
It is clear that each of us can think, and other people in certain circumstances, are even able to pick up our thoughts, an ability which we call “mental telepathy.” Whether we can pick up other people’s thoughts or project our own, our individual thoughts are not the medium by which we are able to think. There is a greater force at work, which allows the thought process to take place, and that process is consciousness itself. Just as there is one energetic, intelligent, benevolent, creative force, responsible for all creation, so too is there one consciousness whose source is God. It is from this singular God-consciousness which shares itself with all creation, that our own consciousness is derived. In fact, everything in creation has some level of consciousness in it. This is what allows God to be in intimate contact with everything in creation.
You could say that the aspect of God-consciousness in everything, is what gives it its programming and directs it to function according to its design. We call this function by different names, such as instinct, nature, genetic programming, heredity, but essentially it is the God-consciousness that everything is imbued with. Literally, everything has some level of consciousness in it, including, mineral, vegetable, water, animal, man, and all things spiritual. It is important to understand and remember that, just because something contains consciousness, does not mean it is self-aware. On earth man is self-aware, and with a few possible exceptions of mammals such as dolphins and whales, we are the only beings on the planet which are aware of themselves. Animals can think, but they do not think about what they are thinking about. In other words, they can not mentally stand apart from themselves and analyze their own behavior. People can, although many people do not use that ability to its fullest advantage. Self awareness is what allows us to analyze and change our beliefs, so if you rarely change any of your beliefs, then how self-aware are you?
What role does consciousness play in manifesting our desires? The answer is that, consciousness is always intimately responsible for the grand design which allows thought to manifest into whatever pattern is being vibrationally projected into creation. Design information is held either within, such as in the case of seeds, or genetic cellular structure, or atomic structure, or is held outside, such as is the case with our higher selves.