Thursday, June 27, 2013

Alleviating Stress

Can stress possibly have any beneficial value to us?
Yes it can. It can be a teacher of the highest order, when you respond to it in an appropriate manner.
There are different types of stress. There is the stress that comes in the wake of a life threatening situation, there is the stress of accepting responsibility for the lives of others, there is self-induced stress caused by conflicting desires between people, and there is imaginary stress caused my uncontrolled mind imaginings.
How can stress be useful to us?
Simply put, all things are either leading you closer to the love and joy you are seeking, or,…they are leading you further away.
Stress is an emotional signal from your higher self that, you are moving away from yourhighest good. The remedy then, is to reaffirm your priorities and to head out once again in the direction of your joy.
Of course, this is the utopian version of what really happens. In actual fact, reality occurs more like this: Stress is the “pebble” in your shoe in that, when you first notice it, it annoys you but you tolerate it. Later, as it’s annoyance level increases because of the discomfort it is creating, it begins to draw more and more of your focus, until such time as you decide this stupid, and you stop and remove it from your shoe.
Prior to this point, the annoyance and discomfort were not of the level needed to generate any constructive action on your part. In simplistic terms, it was far simpler and easier to live with the problem, than to implement a creative solution.
This is what happens with regards to the stress that you experience in life. People dislike change, and conflict, and often feel bound to, or trapped in a particular situation, with no way to easily extricate themselves, without causing their whole life to be turned upside down.
Stress then, is more accurately described as the “tension” that exists between what you have, and what you want, in the same way that the Earths orbit is the example of the tension that exists because of the Earth’s centrifugal force of orbital rotation, countering the suns gravitational pull.
When certain forces obtain the upper hand, then change makes it possible for stress to become alleviated. Thus, when you reach a point where you can no longer tolerate a situation, then you move into action to change things. That time between the initial discomfort, and the eventual change is that “tension” that we call stress.
Yet wouldn’t it make far more sense to make your changes when you first start to feel discomfort? Why agonize over something for months years or decades? What a waste of energy.
Stress could be classified as, being all the factors that are not in alignment with the way that you believe the world, and people should behave. Potential stress then, is everything that lies outside of your belief system. I’m sure that you can see the potential for the amount of stress that can create.
In closing here are a few time-honored sayings, with regard to stress.
“Don’t sweat the small stuff.”
“Will this really matter in five or ten years?” and,…(a personal one of my own).
“Don’t take the responsibility of the world on your shoulders, without the control that goes with it.”
So in closing, let me say that most people have enough genuine concerns of their own, without having to import the problems of other people into their life.

Monday, June 24, 2013

You Can Do No Wrong

What if you knew you could do no wrong in God’s eyes? Would that open up any doors for you, possibly alleviate some guilt?
“You can do no wrong.” Wouldn’t that statement send all religions into a tailspin?
Religions are all based on guiding you away from wrong doing, and leading you to that which is right. They would lose their power and purpose if that statement were true. The whole industry would collapse. “Is religion an industry?”
Yes, it’s the oldest industry, it’s not a charity, and not a, “not for profit industry.” When you start out with nothing, and you end up with vast wealth all around the world, you can hardly consider yourself a charity.
So, can we do no wrong? Well, right and wrong are just words, and not very specific words. Actions are the result of beliefs, cause by thoughts, which are vibrational by nature. Life is vibration. Life is you and I just being. At any given time we’re being some kind of vibrational frequency, either high, low, or in between. The whole of creation is frequency based, so how can a large portion of it be bad, wrong, or unacceptable? Is much of existence just a pool of quick sand, waiting for some poor unsuspecting person to step into it?
Should guilt be attached to the exploration of some natural phenomenon, which we ourselves didn’t create? The hot burner on a stove can be explored intellectually, or visually from a distance, or close up where we can feel the heat, or directly where we can feel the pain and burning sensation as a result of  touching it. Are any of those wrong?
The last one certainly results in a more complete understanding of what a burner is, and feels like! So was it wrong, or was it just a more complete exploration of a specific area of life.
Should you feel guilt? Is an intellectual understanding of reality a good substitute for the experience of it?
If you side with religion, the answer must be yes. If you were to take that conclusion to the ridiculous, you could have all of creation which has experienced “nothing,” as opposed to one which has experienced everything.
Which do you think is the more realistic viable option?

Thursday, June 20, 2013

To Know And Not Do

“To know and not do, is not to know.” That saying used to really annoy me every time I heard it.
It seemed to take away my freedom to choose between one thing and another, and to limit my choice to a predetermined path. Sure I want to make the right choice, but I don’t necessarily want it shoved down my throat, and that feels like the intent behind this saying.
Over the years I have come to a different conclusion about the intent that this message is trying to convey, and now I am in alignment with its message.
As far as I understand, life is a twofold reality consisting of spirit (consciousness) and physicality (consciousness). Both exist, however, neither can be a complete existence unto themselves. Physical reality is a component part of spirit, and not a reality unto itself.
As such, there are experiences we are able to have while physical, that can not be had while we inhabit a purely spiritual form. Thus, from this we can deduce that there are two potential states of being. There is the spiritual state (knowing) and the physical state(doing).
Having drawn this conclusion, we can now plug those two words back into the equation to see the result.
To know (to be in spirit) and not do (to not interact with the physical), is not to know (is to not have the complete knowledge and experience of creation).
Also, the major value in anything is in its application in your life. Anything that you carry around with you all your life and never use (such as wisdom) is just an energy drain on your system. A things value in a physical life, lies in it’s “use” value, not its potential use value.
Therefore, having the knowledge of how to live, is not the same as living that knowledge. If you are “not” going to live the knowledge that you know, then why are you wasting energy carrying it around?
This is where the rubber meets the road.
There is no value in knowing all about love, if you never “do” love. You might just as well be ignorant of the whole concept, because the end result will be the same!
Now you know why I disliked this saying so much. It is like being forced to stand in front of a mirror and look at your real self.
“To know and not do, is not to know.”
Does it mean something a little different to you now?

Monday, June 17, 2013

What Is Sin?

Sin is in error. God’s reality, is our own, but the total true nature of God can not be  held within us at this level of reality. There is a gap that exists between what we think God is, and God’s true nature, and this gap represents the extent of our error. This error is “sin,” born of the ignorance of universe reality.
As one ascends vibrationlly closer to an understanding of what God his, the error we call sin is left behind. We were all born on Earth in sin, because we were all born into the illusionary nature of the Earth plain, and experience errors in perception. We are not locked into sin but, can make progress here, as we choose to align our nature with that of our creator.
Of course even at our level, it is all God, so there is nothing wrong with any of it. It’s just a lower vibrational expression of reality, which we will sooner or later move out of, in favor of something appreciably higher, more loving, and less sinful.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

What Is Love?

All love is the highest feeling of well-being and contentment that each of us has ever experienced. So in that regard, it is slightly different for each of us. The reason we can all feel it, is because it is a vibration. And,… because we all feel “something,” and label it love, then love can not be a “specific” vibrational frequency at our level of existence.
The variable nature of the frequency of vibration we each experience, and call love, can span quite a range, when you consider there are close to seven billion people all having some kind of love experience. And so, people’s idea of what love is, are no different from their ideas about what truth, or freedom, or joy are.
All life is vibrational, and “is God,” in just a different form. God is love, and its nature his loving. Therefore, all reality is just a vibrational expression of love. We can now say that, because everything is love, the only variation from one aspect of reality to the next, is in its vibrational frequency.
What is love? Love is “all there is,” (God) continually expressing itself, as some form of vibrationall frequency. The only reason that one aspect of reality on earth feels more loving than another, is because of the vibrationall frequency it represents. The lowest of vibrationall frequencies causes us to feel the least amount of love, and those same frequencies cause the beliefs which spur people on to act in the least loving ways.
The opposite is true of the highest of vibrationall frequencies, which is why people gravitate to the highest, and are repelled by the lowest of vibrationall frequencies.
What is love?
Love is the emotional guidance system that allows each of us to interact with each other at the highest level of reality here on earth.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Can We Or Should WE Trust Our Feelings

This will be a fun post, because this is a very important topic, maybe one of the most important topics in all of life.
Now some of you might feel that at times I talk down to you. Well, there is the sense of “feeling” coming into play, isn’t it? I don’t talk down to you. You are where you are, if the information I deliver bothers you, maybe it is because it is radically different from the way you view life. Numbers equal security don’t they? Often times it feels better to retreat back into the place where every one thinks as you do, then to try to venture out on your own into unfamiliar territory. But you know what,…there is no growth in retreat, and not that much satisfaction either, if the truth be told. By now, if you have read much of my writings, you probably know I care less about your feelings than I do about reaching and expressing the highest truth of which I am capable. But feelings are important, very important, they are in fact the most important experience we will have here. So the truth is that feelings, are the reason behind all human endeavor, and if you don’t know or agree with that now, don’t worry about it, someday you will, because there is no other conclusion you can reach, but the truth.
Can you, or should you trust your feelings? What if you do trust your feelings, does that mean “I ” should trust them as well? Maybe you should trust “my” feelings instead! Do you see where all this leads to? Can feelings really be applied to anyone other than ourselves? If you act out of your feelings, aren’t you imposing your feelings on the rest of the world, by acting on them, and acting them out? Can we really then, keep our feelings to ourselves, or do we ultimately end up expressing them through our thoughts, words, and actions with other people?
What creates feelings? If you said emotions you’d be wrong,…you have to stay after class. If you said beliefs, you’d be closer to the truth, and if you said your higher self, you would be bang on. Now the illusion is that beliefs and the higher self seem to be separate things. Well lets look at beliefs this way. Beliefs of the highest order, align with the vibrationally highest aspects of God, who is reality. Therefore, at the highest level of universe reality, belief, truth and God, are all one and the same thing. The higher self is an individuated aspect of God, who is aware of its nature, but is lacking the experience of its nature. Messages from your higher self, are of the highest nature, but first they must be heard, then interpreted, then believed and lastly, they must be acted upon.
So,…everyone has feelings, generated by the beliefs they hold about life. Not everyone’s beliefs are synonymous with truth, and so the error of their beliefs becomes reflected in their feelings and emotions. When you act on your feelings, which are based on erroneous beliefs, then you come into conflict with the world and other people. Feelings of love never cause this problem. Regardless of what caused your feelings of love, when you have them, they reflect the truth of God and his created reality. If everyone felt and expressed love all the time, then the world would be a totally different place. But they don’t and it’s not,… so feelings which have no basis in truth, are what is dragging down the quality of life here for everyone.
The question then is, “should I act on my feelings?” I don’t know, because I don’t know what you believe, and frankly, most people don’t know what they believe also. But here is a clue.
Love the Lord your God with all your heart, your soul and your might, and your neighbor, as yourself.
If you can get behind that idea, then you can trust your feelings, and should act on them. If not, then it is an indication that you are still doing a group huddle, with the rest of the worlds fear based thinkers.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Life Is Good

Although you may not think you are “intentionally choosing” negativity, you are drawing it to you whenever you place your consciousness on it. You may not be vibrationally aligned to negativity, but the more frequently you let your eyes and consciousness rest upon it, the more it is lowering your vibration, causing you to come into alignment with it.
There are a million and one ways that you can align with lower vibrational realities in this world, which go unnoticed by yourself.
Each time you support a war, or laws that support violence, eliminate personal freedoms, suppress truth, and stratify society instead of unifying it, you are siding with lower vibrational energy. You watch violence for entertainment, fill your minds with the negativity portrayed in the news, and newspapers, and yet claim that you are not intentionally drawing negativity to you.
Life is good for those who choose goodness, not only once, but every day, in every way, in each moment of now. That is how life becomes good for you.
So,…If you want all the goodness that life can offer, start choosing it every day, in every way possible. Make goodness the singular option in life,…and you shall have it.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Of Special Interest --- NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden

What are you loyal to? Yourself, your family, your friends, your government, or all the people who make up the citizenship of your country? Does it make any sense to be loyal to your leaders, if you have to sell out and be disloyal to all the people you share your country with? Having loyalty as a blanket policy that allows authority to do whatever it wishes, is the goal of government. When your loyalty becomes abused by the people you are being loyal to, then what?
Why does it take a Kid to do, what adults should have done years ago?

Monday, June 10, 2013

Put The Question To Rest

The whole question of whether there is an intelligent, energetic, benevolent force, responsible for the design and continuing support of all creation, is only kept alive because people separate their existence from that of God. The fact is that,…if people exist as an energetic, intelligent, benevolent, entity, then so must God, because we are each an aspect of God. This means that the part must be of the same nature and quality as that of the whole, in the same way that a bucket of well water must be equal in “quality” to the rest of the water in the well.
Yes, this might sound like I am talking in circles, saying there is a God because we are God, and we are God, because there is a God, however, maybe you are not familiar with the importance that the circle plays in all of creation. Is it a coincidence that every planet is round instead of square? I think I’ll just let you ponder that one for while.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Fractional Reserve Banking

The principle of money being based on physical assets, which are commonly agreed to have a perceived value, such as gold, has been transformed into today’s economy, where now today’s money is digital, and is backed up by paper currency, at the rate of $1.00 in reserve, for every $9.00 loaned out by the banks.
Of course the paper money itself doesn’t represent the full dollar because of inflation, and it has been a long time since the paper dollar was backed by its equivalent value in gold. In a nutshell it means that banks literally create nine-tenths of their money out of thin air, and have no assets to back up their paper money. In return, when you or a business, or the economy default, the banks take back real world assets and property, in exchange for the and all the “air” they loaned you.
To date in our economy, when you get a loan, you borrow an “idea,” but when you default, you lose real world assets.
Every country’s debt is just as fictitious as the fictitious money they owe. When a country borrows seven trillion dollars, and over time, because of accumulated interest, owns 27 trillion, why should this spring down an economy? It’s all air, all smoke and mirrors, nothing more than an idea and promises. Now in case you haven’t noticed, the governments of the world have no problem breaking their promises to you and I on a daily basis, why then, should they suddenly have a problem with breaking promises to the banks?
If a bank fails, what was it providing you with any way? Literally nothing but a promise, that’s what!
Banks are supplying us with nothing more than an idea, and when they go down, the idea is the only thing that is lost. And of course, because banking and the economy is literally nothing more than an idea, it is an idea that must be preserved at all costs, through any means, but mostly through fear.
Nothing drives the world more than money, and nothing in the world is more of an allusion than the idea of money. Your understanding of what money is or is not, reflects how deeply you have “bought the story.”
Just imagine for the moment if the whole world’s economy collapsed, and money became totally worthless. Can you envision the chaos that would ensue? This would mean that suddenly the only power in the world would be in the hands of those people with the guns.
Now you know why governments are trying so hard to disarm the people, and arm themselves.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Joy Through Intent And Focus

When we reflect upon humanity’s past history, can it be truly said that we can remember a time when there was no war in progress somewhere on the planet? Has there ever been a time when the world didn’t consist of rich and poor, strong and weak, happy and sad, healthy and sick, righteous and evil?
Regardless of what has been, or is now happening on our planet, no time is ever as perilous to the fearful mind, as those times in which they now find themselves currently living in.
The joy in this world, is no more or less prevalent today, then when Christians were being fed to the lions, witches were being burned at the stake, and humanity hovered on the brink of total nuclear devastation.
Joy is an experience and feeling, which people have sought and achieved, all down though our recorded history, regardless of what was occurring on the planet at any given time. Should joy then be seen as being more elusive today, than yesterday?

Friday, June 7, 2013

Reviewing The Attraction / Creation process

Why is it hard for most people to be happy? Because they’re trying to be happy using a mind full of unhappy thoughts and beliefs.
Unhappy thoughts and beliefs detract from your happiness,…. they do not add to it!
If you want to be happy why do you fill your mind with such visual and auditory garbage?
That is the equivalent of using a nice cool, clean, sparkling stream of fresh drinking water, for a toxic dump. Which is actually what we, as a people, have done by the way!
A persons mind is the primary creative tool they have at their disposal, therefore, the vibrationl state of your mind is vitally important. Many books talk about the mechanics of the creation process, which is essentially a mental and emotional process. Where many of them fall flat is not with the process itself, but with everything outside the process.
If you work yourself up into what Napoleon Hill called, a “white heat of desire” for your goal, how long can you maintain that state? 10 minutes, 30 minutes, an hour, 2 hours?
That still leaves 22 hours out of every day where, you were naturally being you, and what kind of you, are you mentally and emotionally being, that is the question?
I guarantee that with the mindful of garbage you are not being positive, just do the math, it’s pretty elementary.
Many people are conflicted in their thought processes. They watch garbage on TV and in the media, and think those images are not having any impact on them, then they spend a few minutes visualizing positive images, and expect that activity to have a major impact on their life! Wake up and smell the coffee people!
Here is the secret to the secret! It is your thoughts, and the emotions which those thoughts create, which determine your dominant personal vibration. Your dominant personal vibration, which works 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, is the major determining factor in what you will create in your life.
Now,…another factor you need to realize is that, incompatible vibrations modify each other. So if you spend 2 hours being positive and 22 hours being negative,… guess what, you just undid all your good work!
None of this is rocket science by the way, it is just common sense. Metaphysics in general, is more important than the law of attraction, because it teaches you how to raise your dominant personal vibration. You can’t be happy with a head full of garbage. Change your beliefs about life, and you’ll be happier. Once are happier, then your creative efforts will bear more fruit, faster.
A person does not have to be continually joyful in order to create, a state of being where you are emotionally neutral or above, will suffice. Anytime you slip into negative thinking, you are creating negative emotions and are degrading your creative potential.
So what’s the secret?
The secret is that what you are thinking and emotionally being, most of the time, is far more important and impactful, then what you’re thinking and being emotionally, some of the time.

Life Is Progression

Life is about progression toward becoming a more God realized being. This requires a continual expansion of consciousness. It matters not which path you take to achieve God realization, or expansion of consciousness, because all paths lead to God, “all paths!”
Even those people who currently deny God, are using this current life to do so, in order to see what experience that delivers. Maybe they are exploring negative vibrationl energy more completely, who knows for sure. People come at, and to God, from every different angle and, viewpoint, but it is a certainty that there is nothing else to progress toward, but God itself, because God is all there is.

Believing in God

Believing in God does not supply the answers to questions such as, why does water bubble when it boils, why do geese fly south for the winter, or what makes thunder-clap?
2608-1273524308BOoKBelieving in God does not eliminate the need or desire, to accumulate knowledge in each physical lifetime, but it does complement it.
Just because someone believes in God, does not mean that they are some mindless mental deficient. Some of the smartest people on the planet believe in God, and some of the smartest people on the planet don’t believe in god.
Intelligence does not equal knowledge! Intelligence is nothing more than “potential,” waiting to be used to a beneficial end.
Why would smart people use all their intelligence to achieve a negative outcome, such as, “trying to prove there is no God,” when they could use it to prove “there is a God?”

Monday, June 3, 2013

Law, Truth and Reality

It could be said that “reality is existence, as it is, in each moment of now.” Reality then, could be within time/space, or outside of it. Truth could be either relative to the truth of God, or equal to it. Because Earth is within time/space, most of our truths are relative, but they don’t have to be. Law is reality and the truth of God, working in tandem, to create conditions which are totally and continually consistent, which we call law. Truth is the working of God’s will and consciousness. Reality is the creative result, and law is the continual and consistent operation of that reality.

Values and Beliefs

Values such as faith, hope, charity, loyalty, honesty, kindness, trust, are all lower vibrational harmonics of a higher vibration, which we call love, which in truth, is really God-consciousness. Beliefs, are formed out of values, just as sentences are formed out of words. Values determine the strength of what you believe. The person who values kindness and honesty will have a lot of trouble trying to believe concepts such as, “only the strong survive,” or, “look out for number one.” Values either work to make a belief acceptable to you, or they work to undermined a belief. Therefore, when you cultivate values of the highest order, all your beliefs have to rise as well, otherwise you become totally conflicted. Being peaceful means that what you think, say, and do, never contradict each other. Peaceful people have values that align with their beliefs, and both their values and beliefs, align with law, truth, and reality.