Wednesday, July 31, 2013


tree-sunburst1What is spirituality? It is a name we’ve given to a specific set of beliefs which have been adopted by a segment of society. Specifically, it reflects most of the ideas held within religion, without the official religious structure which usually accompanies those ideas.
It is a deregulation of the beliefs about God, created by religion.
Most of humanity believes something. Even Hitler believed something. Just because you have idea which form your beliefs, doesn’t mean you know the truth of something.
If you don’t know God on a conscious level, then you cannot know “the truth,” because God is truth,…every bit of it. “God created reality” defines the idea of truth, and so,…
The further you are from God, the further you are from the truth.
That idea probably rubs a lot of people the wrong way only because “your ego is your god.”
A person’s combative attitude toward God, is the result of their ego vying for control over that person’s life.
The greater your resistance to the whole concept of God, the greater you are an ego controlled and driven person.
If you find yourself saying “I’m not an ego control person, this guy is an idiot,” then that is your ego on the defensive. Personally, after being controlled by my ego most of my life, I can tell you that being controlled by God is a much nicer experience. Sure, I still have my moments, but I know which side my bread is buttered on, and that’s the side and I always return to.
Spirituality and the movement toward God, is usually a transition, which explains why being born again doesn’t usually bring instant change to a person. Spirituality is a realignment of a person’s beliefs, so they align with the truth of God’s natural creation.
Spirituality is about spirit and reality, both of which are sourced in God.
Ego is about your opinions, your beliefs, your needs, your wants, desires, your rights, your freedoms, and your concerns. The more you’re “into yourself” the more ego oriented you are. That is not bad or criminal, it’s natural. Babies are totally ego oriented, with a baby, everything is about “self.”
Egos should mature, as a person gains more life experience.
An ego is only a detriment to the extent that it has not matured as it should have. Those people who actively avoid God in all its various forms, have an immature, and underdeveloped ego. They have not moved beyond the idea of me, me, me, to the concept of we, we, we. Those people who fight God, because they claim religion is hypocritical, and the source of the world’s problems, are being hypocritical themselves.
Uncontrolled, egos are the dominant source of pain and suffering on this planet, not religion, and certainly not God.
World conditions reflect people’s misalignment to the reality of God and its natural laws. If you want to blame world conditions on something, first get your facts and your story right.
Rebellion is simply a childish temper tantrum, which your egos is having in a public place!
Spirituality is about “spirit and reality,” both of which are God, who is not deserving of the bad press he receives.

Sunday, July 28, 2013


cactus-needles-in-anza-borrego-desertSome people wear their skepticism like a badge of honor.
Skepticism speaks volumes about the skeptic, but it’s not saying what you think. It’s conveying the message I’m fearful, critical, and unable to take in all the data my senses have collected, and organize it into any understandable format that, will allow me to connect the dots and come up with a true picture of reality.
Skepticism is the lazy person’s response to life, that allows them to critique everyone else’s work, without having to produce anything of value themselves. Skepticism is not the occasional doubt or disagreement, it is a chronic attitude adopted by those people who are having a hard time coping with this level of reality.
What does a skeptic contribute but negativity? Your level of skepticism varies inversely to the level of joy you feel for life. Skeptical people are not joyful while they’re being skeptical, that is a vibrational impossibility. Therefore, the greater the skeptic you are, the more you advertise to the world how unhappy you are.
The same concept applies to critical people, because,“criticism is just a lower vibrational harmonic of skepticism.”
Personally I think that,… unless you intentionally intend to advertise to the world what a hard time you’re having, trying to cope with life, I’d suggest you just keep your opinions to yourself. Better yet, why not find some joy in life, by cultivating a positive mental attitude. In light of that, I’ll tell you the positive side of skeptical people.
“Being skeptical makes it easier for people to size up your personality, and thereby,…avoid you!”

Should I Feel Guilty

forest-22118_640When people are born, you may have noticed they are not all born in the proximity of a five-star resort. They are born all over the earth. Why?
Why are people born into a war ravaged area, or an area of famine?
If you don’t believe in a life plan, then disregard this post. If you do, then realize that people are where they are, because that’s where they want to be. It’s no mystery. So how guilty should you feel about your life plan, or theirs? Guilt does not enter into it.
Each person is exactly where their life plan initially called them to be.
So, should you enjoy your drink, while others are dying of thirst, or savor your meal, while others are dying of starvation?
Deciding not to enjoy the good things in life, does nothing to alleviate the suffering of others, and only works to make your life lest joyful.
You create and direct your life, and to a limited extent the lives of others, so own some responsibility for your life, but don’t take the responsibility of the whole world onto your shoulders. Just do your own part, and only you know and can say, how big that part should be.

Friday, July 26, 2013

War is an Opportunity

War is an opportunity to “swap weapons technology with your neighbor!”
War is an opportunity to “advance prosthetic limb technology.”
War is an opportunity to “use up all that old ammunition that’s been lying around since the last war.”
War is an opportunity to “grab some choice real estate, for the price of just a few bullets.”
War is an opportunity to “wear all that snappy new camouflage in your foot locker.”
War is an opportunity to “get a free, one way ticket to other lands.”
War is an opportunity to “be remembered once a year.”
War is an opportunity to “serve your oil company.”
And lastly,… war is an opportunity to “make the biggest mistake of your very short life.”

Our Children...

silhouettes-of-childrenWhy are our children so revered in society? How many times have you heard the phrase “children are our future?”
Besides the fact that they are our own flesh and blood, they represent our future. So far, nothing I’ve said is new, or has ruffled any feathers, but hang on,… it’s coming.
“Here is what we are really thinking, but not saying.”
Ya, we have screwed things up pretty well in society, and with all we know, we could, if we had any real ambition, compassion, and morality, start to reverse the damage we’ve created, however,… being the weak-minded, ego driven, immoral person that I am, I think I’ll just let someone far younger and less experienced inherit this problem, and let them come up with a solution. That way I won’t have to change a damn thing in my life.
That is why we revere our children, we desire and expect them to do what we won’t and can’t!
“I’m telling it like it is. Can you own it, or are you looking around for a scapegoat?”
By the way,…the positive side to what I just told you is that, you’re lazy apathetic streak, is now revealed to you, and you can now take action on it.
It’s great to be positive isn’t it?

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Creative Possibility

People have a tendency to create their future based, on their past. They don’t really believe all possibilities exist as a choice for them to experience. Instead, they choose from what they believe is possible, given their limitations. “People believe in limitation, more than they believe in limitless possibility.”
Outside of this physical plane of existence, there is no such thing as time. Past present and future exist as one continuum in what we call the “now,” the only real-time there is. In that one moment of “now,” GOD created from within himself, all that exists, and along with that, the “one” created duality.
In that one moment of “now,” the metaphysical universe was created. Every “possibility” exists as a potential reality, just waiting to be called into form by the person, or soul doing the creating.
Thus the only limitation to you receiving your highest good, is your own self-imposed limitation of what is possible. It is true, that anything you can conceive, and believe, you can achieve.
Of course,… you’re not all “here!” The greater part of yourself, (your higher self), is guiding and supporting you during this current incarnation, and so while anything is possible, you are also creating within a preconceived framework set out by your higher self prior to this incarnation.
And so it is more appropriate to say that anything that you can conceive, and believe, that falls within your pre-established reasons for being,… you can achieve. All else will cause you to feel as if you’re paddling up-stream.
What is your current reason for being here, you ask? At the level that is inclusive of all humanity, the collective consciousness is raising the level of it’s vibration up to that of it’s creator.
At an individual level, you are part of the one single consciousness, that is GOD, and your singular consciousness, is gathering to you, through the act of thought and experience, all that culminates as emotion, for the purpose of becoming complete in every possible aspect of your being.
In truth, you are an individuated part of the GOD force energy, that is totally unaware of it’s divine origin on a conscious level, and is experiencing itself as an isolated consciousness, for the purpose of achieving expanded awareness of your creative abilities, in a physical environment.
However at a “subconscious” level of understanding, it is your hope that you can raise your consciousness to a sufficiently high enough vibrational level, that you will one day be able to stand in the presence of your creator.
Therefore the greater your understanding of what is primarily a hidden reality to the courser physical senses, the more you can expand upon your belief of what is possible, and consequently, the more you will be able to achieve that which is in alignment with your process.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

The Power Of A Positive Mental Attitude

Who doesn’t like happy, optimistic people with a positive mental outlook on life? The energy they exude, radiates invisibly outward from them, causing them to positively impact everyone within its circle of influence. Almost everything we desire in life, has to first pass through the hands of other people, so it is vitally important to our own welfare, and the welfare of those people around us, to have good relations with others.
A positive mental attitude is a complete system of thoughts, values and beliefs, which vibrationally lie between emotional neutrality, and that of joy. The power of a positive mental attitude is that it places you in the best mental position to manifest your desires, and to develop and maintain quality, loving relationships with people.
Having a positive mental attitude means that your “dominant state of being,” lies on the positive side of the emotional scale, which generally makes you a very pleasant person to be around. Your popularity and influence will be above average, and when you do encounter difficulty in life, you are able to rebound back to your normal self, much faster than a negatively oriented, personality type.
The real bonus of having a positive mental attitude is that it costs a person nothing to decide to be positive instead of negative. So with all the great reasons to cultivate a positive mental attitude, why would anyone choose anything else?

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Tell Me About God

I like to teach people about God. I wish someone could have explained these ideas to me when I was looking for them, but I had to source them out from endless sources myself, and put all the  pieces of the jigsaw puzzle together, until I had a larger portion of the picture.
Ecclesiastical authorities get their egos bent out of shape when unrecognized, unauthorized, ideas about God come to the forefront of society. Do you think they might have some kind of vested interest in resisting certain ideas? Let’s start at the beginning with a simple question,
Q: What is God?
A: God is everything, everything,…”everything!” Are you getting this answer? The answer is simple, don’t try to clutter it up. God is everything literally, figuratively, and every other way. Is God this, is God that, is God the next thing? The answer is yes. God is everything, everything“everything.” By the way, look up the definition of everything!
Q: What is God like?
A: Well, because God “is everything,” God is “like everything.
Q: Can I see God?
A: Statistically speaking, no! Most people can’t see God because they don’t really know what God is. Could you pick an individual out of a crowd who you’d never seen before? Once you know what God is, you’ll see God everywhere. God is not lost, it is only lost to your mind. Once your mind has come to grips with what God is, then the only way you can not see God, is to close your eyes!
Q: What is God’s nature?
A: God is energy with intelligence, which has formed itself into consciousness. This means God is self-aware, self-directed, and self-created. God is both “all that is,” and “everything that is.” The intelligent energy of God values itself, regardless of the form it takes on, therefore, we can say this valuing of self, implies benevolence, or what we call a loving nature. God values what it is, and what it becomes. Therefore, God and love, are the basis of all created, and still to be created reality.
Q: Is God vengeful?
A: All of creation is energy based. Energy can not be destroyed or created because “it exists as God itself.” Thoughts are energy, and are vibrationally based and represented. Vengeance is part of the polarity principle which God uses amongst lower forms of consciousness, in order to create a specific learning environment. The idea of vengeance is useful at our level, in that it becomes another option to either choose or discard. God however, has no need at the highest level of creation, to learn anything, because God knows all.
Q: Does god hate sin?
A: This is similar to the previous question. Try to understand, that God neither feels threatened by anything, nor can it be threatened by anything. God is everything, and so “the idea of God threatening itself is silly.” God is everything, so at the highest level of reality, Sin is the idea of God intentionally interfering with its own plans. Not something one would attribute to a perfect, and faultless entity.
Q: This is not what I have been taught about God.
A: Hey,… I am sorry you wasted so much of your time learning something else, I feel for you.
Q: Was Christ God?
A: If you have to ask that question, you still don’t understand the concept that God is everything, and everyone?
Q: Is the bible the word of God?
A: The bible cannot be a container for the knowledge and truth of God, for the reason that God’s truth (knowledge), is not understandable at our level of reality. Do you understand Einstein’s theory of relativity? This is just a tiny fraction of God’s knowledge. Putting God’s truth in the bible would make it in comprehensible to us. The bible contains watered down thought systems and values, which are barely understandable to humanity. Again, I will say that because God is everything, the bible has to contain the words of God,however, they are not necessarily the vibrationaly highest words, nor are they the last words of God.
Q: How can I know any of this is true?
A: Once you know that God is everything, then you’ll understand that all thoughts reside within God, and one is just as real as the next. It’s not about what is true or real, it’s all true and all real because it’s all God. It’s about which thoughts, vibrate to the highest reality of God, and which truth and feelings are you able to understand, and incorporate into your personality, at this point in time?
Q: This seems like an over simplification to me.
A: yes,…. it does doesn’t it. I hear you and sympathize with you. “Simplicity is a complicated thing to try to deal with,” isn’t it?

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Life’s Ups And Downs

The alarm clock rings and I reach over to shut it off. Grabbing the remote on the bedside table I flick on the tv to the weather channel, to see what kind of day it’s going to be. I don’t know why I bother,… I know what kind of day it’s going to be. Dark.
Twenty minutes or so of infomercials, semi naked women, and twenty year old sit-come reruns, and I get dressed for work.
It’s cold and dark outside as I free the wipers, open the door, and start-up the jeep so it can warm up, while I brush the snow off that fell last night. It’s damp,…I shiver in the cold.
A couple of minutes later I jump into the cold seat, throw it into four-wheel drive, and head on down the road to Tim’s, for my early morning coffee/read/meditation.
People trickle in and out of the store. It’s amazing to me how many people are up at 5:00 am in the morning.
Time to go. I get a coffee for the road, point the jeep in the right direction, and suck on my coffee, in quiet contemplation on my way in to work.
Something unusual this morning. It seems the smelter has dumped a big load of molten slag out on the slag pile, and in the dark, it’s running down hill, flowing like a red river of liquid fire, just like lava from a volcano. Too cool!
It’s quiet and peaceful this morning. Semi dry roads, very little slush, guess it’s too cold to thaw.
I get to my first turn off and there’s a pickup truck on its side way down deep in the ditch. Black ice I guess. “Should have gotten four-wheel drive buddy!”
Driving through town I turn on to the private company road leading to work. Beautiful up here, with the river flowing beside the road, frost on the trees, and a fresh blanket of snow all around.
Another ten minutes and I pull into the parking lot. Snow all over the vehicles belonging to the night shift. I grab my lunch pail and head into the dry. I change out of my street cloths, stuff them into my locker and walk naked to the washroom to relieve myself of those two coffees.
It’s nice and warm in here, as it always is. I reach up and grab the chain for my basket and lower it, and my cloths down.
Long underwear, two pairs of socks, fire-retardant coveralls, muckers, safety vest, safety belt, tool pouches, safety glasses, hard hat, leather gloves.
Jesus,…can I carry any more crap?
Down the hall I grab my lantern and two-way radio out of the charger cradle, sign in on the contractor sheet, and make my way over to the shifters wicket to see whats up.
It’s the usual stuff, the communication and blast lines need to be extended closer to the face, and they want Dan and I to go to the 5000 level to disconnect power cables out of an old power rack in preparation for something.
Dan and I shoot the breeze while we are waiting for the cage, and he tells me he scored big in online poker last night. A couple of hundred dollars he says, and I’m thinking maybe I should be looking at a new career. The cage comes up and it’s show time.
Packed in like sardines. With my lunch pail between my legs and someone’s pail digging into my ass. The guys are happy though. Most guys are pretty good-natured first thing in the morning. Hell, what can go wrong this early?
The cage tender closes the door, gives the signal for the first level, and down we go. Levels, lights, rock, timbers and water fly by as we plummet into the depths. Goodbye world, see you again in ten hours,…I hope!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


God is constant change. There exists no such reality as “vibration in the absence of change.” The idea of a stagnant vibration is an oxymoron.
Within that which is the Creator, the dominant state of reality is the void, that which is yet to be, the rest is represented as vibration which brings about change. One cannot avoid the design of creation, they can only resist it or flow with it. People seek to change what they don’t like or want, and seek to extend what they do like and need.
This action however, is a personal preference, which sometimes intrudes on the rights and freedoms of others. Conflict arises when shared interests between people become subject to change. One person is in favor of change, while the other is resistant to, or totally against any form of change. Freedom for yourself should never be achieved at the expense of another person’s freedom. Of course this scenario would not be existent if, one person were not trying to force their will on another person, thereby restricting their personal freedom in some manner.
Obviously there is no personal growth in the absence of change, and no expansion of consciousness either. Fighting change is equal to fighting the design of the universe, it is pointless. A better use of our energy and time would be spent adapting to change. When change is gradual, people generally can cope rather well with it, they can see it coming, they can plan for it, and adapt to it slowly. When change comes overnight, such as in the form of a natural disaster, or the death of a loved one, or a terminated relationship, it can negatively impact people, for an extended period of time.
What attitude then, the best serves us with regards to change? Well, one can never fully prepared themselves for every twist and turn of fate, but we can look at change with an expectant attitude that, change is paving the way for something better in our lives, in the form of “knowledge or something physical.” It is important to remember that we have “physicality” to improve the mental side of ourselves, not the other way around.
This means generally speaking that, the greatest benefits you’ll reap from change, will be predominantly mental benefits.

Personal Growth

It is possible, (more likely probable), that your higher self-will take your predominant interests in life, and through the vehicle of problem solving in those same areas, cause your consciousness to expand, and go beyond that which was it’s former boundaries.
This urgency to seek solutions to your problems, develops a momentum of thought and action, which may continue to build, and which your higher self may direct or steer, in small increments, toward a specific direction, which not only may solve your problems, but will open your consciousness up.
Once an individual’s consciousness is actively seeking a higher vibrational solution to a problem, the way is paved for that knowledge to come to you. Your seeking, is equivalent to you’re asking, and the asking is the permission that spirit requires, under universal law of free will, to make the information capable of solving your problems, available to you.
Through your continuing search for solutions to those challenges which appear in your daily life, your conscious awareness of an unseen environment is expanded, and your spiritual growth, or reawakening, is assured. For it is a certainty, that without challenges to overcome, there would be no impetus for growth, or expansion of consciousness, and your life would become stagnant.
Once it becomes understood, that thought is the creative force behind all physical creation, then all problems can be viewed in terms of the vibrational energy that is occurring, in relationship to the problem.
Your continuing search for a solution to a specific problem, then becomes a search for a way to increase the vibrational consciousness around that problem.
The highest vibrational emotion is love, and so the highest vibrational solution to any problem, is always the most loving solution. This means the solution that results in the greatest good, for the most number of people, not just your highest good.
When you come to the realization that vibrational energy created the problem, then it’s clear that increasing the vibrational energy surrounding a problem, is the most direct and effective method you can employ, to solve a problem.
What you should analyze, is the role the vibrational nature of the collective consciousness, is playing in your particular problem.
As an individual, you are not in a position to uplift the consciousness of the whole world. JESUS struggled with that very same task, at a time when the world’s population was very much smaller than it is today.
If you should determine that you can, and do desire to raise the vibrational nature of a problem to affect the highest solution for all, then know that the best place to start is on the mental plane.
This is a truth, because you must go there first, before you can expect higher forces to support your activities. And so by going there, we mean that you become mentally aligned in your thoughts and feelings, to that outcome which represents everyone’s highest good.
By asking spirit to send light and love, to every aspect of your problem, you are asking for the best outcome for everyone,… which is an action the universe can support. Eventually, if you do this with enough intent, things will start moving from the spiritual, into thephysical plane, and doors will open up, which will lead to real world solutions to your problems.
All problems create personal growth, in that they lead to higher levels of conscious awareness, through the out working of those same problems. And so I have tried to allude to the fact that the process of personal growth, does not always take place along smoothest and busiest of highways, but often takes the road less traveled though the roughest of terrain.
The strongest of trees, are most often those which have had to stand alone against theprevailing winds, and have developed that strength, out of necessity. So, too, is your strength of character, developed in just such a way.

Monday, July 15, 2013

A Course Worth Following

We all could benefit from having access to clear information as to what makes life tick, and how to go about getting from where we are, to where we want to go, with the least amount of pain and a maximum amount of joy.
But you know,…there is no free lunch out there, well,…very few anyway. So while it is true that some of the best things in life are free,…it is also true that the majority of the really good things in life will require some thought and action on our part in order to achieve them. Now you will notice that I did not say work,…I said action. Action can be fun, and doesn’t necessarily have to be viewed or experienced as work. Doing what you love to do, because you love to do it, is the best way to make a life and a living,…in fact, in my opinion it is the only way.
“Well we can’t have every one running around just doing whatever the hell pleased them.”
Oh really,…why is that?
“Well because the country would be in chaos that’s why.”
Oh,…and it is ticking away right now like a fine Swiss watch, is that what you are saying?
“Well no,’s not perfect, but it would be a lot less perfect if everyone started just doing their own thing.”
Yes, but if we suddenly had two hundred and fifty thousand happy people, out of every unhappy million, doing what they liked, instead of what they despised, wouldn’t we be ahead of the game?
“Can you imagine the potential chaos that might create.”
Can you imagine the potential Joy, fulfillment, and contentment that might create?!!!

Monday, July 8, 2013

The Circle Of Joy

The Circle Of Joy
When your grateful, you’ll be happier.
When your happy, you’ll manifest more of your desires.
When you manifest your desires, you’ll have fun.
When you have fun, you’ll experience joy.
When you experience joy, you’ll feel grateful.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Life Is Meaningless

When people are told “life is totally meaningless” they feel some kind of loss. It’s as if the higher purpose they thought they were serving, has been taking away.
On the contrary, your life’s purpose is still intact, only now you are free to pursue it. Realizing life is totally meaningless is freedom! It is being free from the limiting distorted believes about life, held within the collective consciousness of the planet.
Now you don’t have to use someone else’s meaning for life, you are free to give it your own. And what meaning will you give it? Will you taint your life’s meaning with your own fears about it? Will you let the love, joy, and gratitude for your life, give your life a meaning that will return peace, happiness, and contentment to you?
Once you accept that life is totally meaningless, you have accepted freedom. Once you exercise your freedom, you’ll feel like you have more control in your life. More control helps you feel more secure, and more security leads to peace of mind. People do not have to accept the pre conceived meanings about life that have been handed down throughout history. None of it is applicable to you.
Each life is fresh and new, and deserves its own meaning placed on it by its owner.
Placing the distorted meanings on life, you have adopted from other people, will not serve you. What will serve you is, to align your beliefs with God’s truth, they are the only beliefs capable of serving you well.
Everything in life is tied to everything else, there is no quick fix to what you perceive to be life’s problems. Realizing that you are free to give everything in life your own personal meaning, is a big part of a very large puzzle about life, and is one way to realize that many of the problems which you think you have, are only problems because that is the meaning you have attached to them.

Friday, July 5, 2013

The Secret to Happiness

Life is all about balance. It is a juggling act between what is, and what we desire, both now and in the future. A balance must be reached between the two, or a person can never find contentment.
In life you are either receiving what you desire, or what you and the collective consciousness of the planet have created. All of this means that you are either happy and grateful for what you have created and received, or you’re unhappy. Of course what we have been talking about here is an emotional reaction to one’s environment. There are two things which can cause an emotional reaction in us. The first is anything which is external to our selves, and the second is our thoughts about what is happening to us.
In truth though, regardless of what is happening, either externally or internally to us, it is our thoughts about it, which draws forth our emotional reaction to it. Our beliefs about how life should be, determine when we feel life has taken a turn against us. Our thoughts make up our beliefs which are not necessarily aligned to truth, they are “our truth,” and therein lies a potential situation for unhappiness. If you’re beliefs were always aligned 100% to the truth of God, you would never experience unhappiness.
When you know you are a part of God and its plan, and that God’s plan is as perfect as itself, then you believe that it is impossible for anything to go wrong. God is the immovable object. When you stop banging your head against a brick wall, you will feel instant relief, and when you stop denying the reality of God’s plan, you’ll find instant relief. Do you realize how much energy you expand fighting against, what is?
What about injustice, crime, war, starving children?
Should I just ignore it all, and be happy?
God’s plan includes balance, meaning the equality of life for everyone. When the balance of life is disrupted by those who make their own needs and desires, more important than those of other people, we have the right to restore balance, but nothing more than that. It does not mean we can go overboard, by being vengeful or cruel. If you are personally involved or affected by the circumstances of the world, you may choose to alter them, or not, depending on your beliefs. If you are only an “observer” of those circumstances, then why are you drawing them in to your life by placing your focus there? If viewing these circumstances creates unhappiness within you, then it follows that, viewing joyful circumstances will create happiness within you.
Obviously, because you have a choice as to where you can place your focus, you have made an intentional decision to be unhappy! Why?
A person must ask themselves why misery draws their attention away from joy, especially since everyone professes to be seeking joy. My answer is that people either don’t know why they do what they do, or they have very little control over what they do. The day when, what a person thinks, says, and does all align with each other, consistently, is the day they can start being happy, because they now have the ability to use their mind in the service of love, joy freedom and truth. Until that day, their mind is just a wild stallion which hasn’t been trained, standing in a corral, which cannot serve its owner in any meaningful, or useful way.
Without a trained mind you don’t know what you believe, or why you believe it, and so there can never be any consistency in your behavior.
So what is the secret to happiness? The secret is this “life just is!” What is happening is totally meaningless.
Only “a person” attaches meaning to what is happening, and the meaning they attached to it, is their own! My meaning may be different to your own, and 100 people might result in 100 different meanings.
Life is totally meaningless! You can give life any meaning you want.
Now ask yourself why you chose to give life the meaning that creates a state of unhappiness within you? Unhappiness is a choice, your choice, in the same way that Joy is a choice,
So you say you want joy, but choose to be unhappy. Why?
Life is totally meaningless. I know you don’t like that idea because it places full responsibility for your life with you. I’m sorry, but that statement reflects the true reality of life on earth, and probably elsewhere. In conclusion I will say that if you want to be happy, then think say and do things which are consistent with that choice.
When stuff happens, and it will, stop and ask yourself what meaning do I want to attach to this event? Once you have made your choice then be happy with it. Happiness then, is a choice but only for those who realize they have a choice and exercise that choice. Can life really be that simple?
Well accounting is as simple as black ink or red ink, but look at how we have complicated the whole field of accounting and taxation. Humanity has a real talent for taking the simple, and distorting it beyond all recognition!

Thursday, July 4, 2013


Time is an idea. The planets which orbit the sun in a regular definable pattern, have long been the basis for mans early concepts of time. Their regular patterns of movements through the heavens, are really just the characteristics of creation,… the truth of it.
Reality and truth have the ability to impact ideas, not the other way around. Time is an “idea” we have applied to reality, but like all ideas, it was not born on Earth, or with humanity, but is instead, a part of the higher knowledge which resides within God-consciousness, which is the source of all knowledge. There is no new knowledge within creation, it all resides with God. It does however, become available to lower vibrational forms of life, as they rise in consciousness, and are able to align with it, and access it.
All of creation can use the idea of time, it is not unique to us, but certain conditions must exist for time to be a factor. Time is dependent on relationship, meaning that there must exist at least two of something, before time can exist. These two things which exist, must be tangible realities, and not intangible ones, for the reason that they must be measurable, and you can’t measure an idea.
Time, velocity, and distance, are all related to one another, and are dependent on the existence of two definable objects or points. One cannot establish the distance or speed from one point to another, if there is only one point, and the “time” it would take to get somewhere, then becomes a redundant question, if there is nowhere to go.
God is “All in All,” the great “I am,” and at some point it changed from, existing as a singular entity, in which no time existed, into a multifaceted creation, where relationship existed. Time then, became a knowable and useful part of knowledge at this point. Time is not part of universal law, but it is a definable effect of the “out working” of universal law. The orbits of the planets around their sun are not dependent on time, but on the natural laws of the universe. Time however is dependent on having two aspects of creation in relationship to each other.
There is confusion on earth as to whether time is real or not real, applicable or not applicable. This can be overcome by considering a couple of factors. Time can not be established on the strength of a relationship based solely on an idea, because time itself is an idea. Time cannot exist in the absence of a relationship between two tangible universe realities.
Time is a part of universal knowledge, and exists as an idea. As an example, consider the current idea of the “now moment” which is a popular concept in use on earth today. Even if one could apply the concept of time to the words “now,” and “moment,” neither word symbol accurately defines any specific increment of time, and the whole concept of time revolves around increments, or divisions of time, which are, “definable and capable of completion.” Neither of those words symbols meet that criteria. The word symbols “now” and “moment,” are just ideas, however they are ideas which are incapable of completion.
All divisions of time must be capable of completion!
Any division of time which is incapable of completion is called “no-time,” or eternity, if you prefer. Eternity itself is the idea of timelessness, because it never completes. Obviously then, if one were to change the words “now moment” to “now minute,” you would have a definable span of time, capable of completion. If however, you change that to, “the eternal now minute”, you would have an oxymoron, expressing the idea of incompletion, and completion, in the same sentence.
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