Friday, June 7, 2013

Believing in God

Believing in God does not supply the answers to questions such as, why does water bubble when it boils, why do geese fly south for the winter, or what makes thunder-clap?
2608-1273524308BOoKBelieving in God does not eliminate the need or desire, to accumulate knowledge in each physical lifetime, but it does complement it.
Just because someone believes in God, does not mean that they are some mindless mental deficient. Some of the smartest people on the planet believe in God, and some of the smartest people on the planet don’t believe in god.
Intelligence does not equal knowledge! Intelligence is nothing more than “potential,” waiting to be used to a beneficial end.
Why would smart people use all their intelligence to achieve a negative outcome, such as, “trying to prove there is no God,” when they could use it to prove “there is a God?”

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