Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Can Young People of today "Make It"?

Can young people today still make it in this world and it’s economy?

That is an interesting question. First lets define what you mean by the phrase “make it.”
By that, I suppose you mean happiness, financial security, and emotional stability.

Well, given the current state of the world, there never was a time when youth was really making it in those terms. It’s such a have and have- not world, and unfortunately most people fall into the have-not category, and the difference between people is only in the degree that they fall into that category.

This is due mainly to the fact that the world is constructed as a socioeconomic pyramid, and there is only just so much room at the top levels of that pyramid for new people. Now because we are defining the term “making it,” in the same way most of you are (for your benefit), then the financial component in that equation plays an equally important role to happiness or joy, even though, in truth, we know differently.

The world has stacked the game in favor of the rule makers. So long as you decide to play by someone else’s rules, other than your own, you will be at their mercy.

The world is full of “experts,” Who says they are experts? Why the experts say they are experts. They not only define the nature of their own expertise, but they establish its value for themselves, thereby entrenching themselves in the top levels of the socioeconomic pyramid. It’s a club of experts who only have a limited number of openings that need to be filled every year.

Now,as a person who may be young (or even old for that matter) who is trying to make it from a very early stage in life,…who do you listen to?
Read More: http://sanora1.wordpress.com/2013/03/19/can-young-people-still-make-it-today/

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