In a previous post, I talked about the idea that, in a creation which is sourced in consciousness, and revealed to our senses through vibration, one cannot go about the task of proving or disproving the highest order of creation,… which is “God,”… If they are unable to first prove or disprove, a lesser order of creation, which is “themselves!”
If anyone can not first prove “they exist,” then they are ill-equipped to prove or disprove, higher orders of reality!
Now before you start rolling your eyes, making weird facial expressions, and stating that, “this is the most stupid thing this guy has said yet,” you might want to step on the clutch, and put your brain in gear!
I myself have realized I had touched on an important issue, however, at the time, it did not realize how profound it was, and is!
When it comes to proving you exist, you can not used the thing whose reality you are trying to prove, as the base for all your analysis. In this case, the thing you are trying to prove is you, and you are not trying to discern your behavior, but rather “your very existence.”
So if you start your analysis or study, with the foregone conclusion that “you already exist, by making use of all your physical senses and mental faculties,” then your whole experiment is a foregone conclusion, in favor of a predetermined outcome!
In other words, your scientific experiment, is no experiment at all, because you have a bias in favor of your belief that you exist!
To properly set out to prove you exist, you would have to first eliminate the use of your physical body, senses, mind and your consciousness, (that part of you which is self aware). Once you have done that, then you are ready to start your experiment, with one condition,… It is you and only you, performing this experiment!
You can get others to assist you, “as long as you don’t use your body, senses, mind, or consciousness, to enlist their aid,” otherwise you invalidate the whole experiment!
Now I defy you to name any experiment ever done, where the person conducting the experiment was not personally involved in it in some way!
The point here is this,… the ego attitude within the scientific community, which exists at all levels, is such that some scientists feel they are fully qualified to make statements regarding the highest order of universe reality, which we should take seriously, when they cannot even prove the existence of a lower order of reality,… that being themselves!
Being that there it is only one God, but over seven billion people, you would think the idea of proving your own existence would be easy! Does one need a P.H.D. in order to discern the validity of the ideas I have just expressed?
Any scientist who had just read what I have written, and had dedicated his whole academic career to science, might dismiss this idea as the ramblings of an uneducated crackpot! “Tell me that a scientific bias does not exist,” even before an experiment begins! It exists as a condition in the mind of the scientist at the ego level, which keeps them from being truly objective!
To expand on my idea, one can say for certain that, “if you cannot prove you exist, then you cannot rely on any data generated by the results of your inquiry, as proof that anyone, or anything else exists!” Now how profound and far-reaching is that statement!
People will for the most part, think this will concept is ridiculous, only because it screws up all the established scientific bases for experimentation and thought. It is very inconvenient for science, and people in general, to start thinking along these lines.
This concludes my second post about being qualified to prove or disprove the existence of God.
As a footnote to this post, I must also say that, ” using this theory, it would be equally hard to prove that God does exist!”
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