First lets establish the difference between money and assets. Assets are what you “want.” They are what you trade the money for. Assets and money “used to be the same thing,…like when a $20 gold coin had $20 dollars worth of gold in it. The coin was money and the gold in the coin was an asset. When we moved to paper money, the $20 dollar bill was money, but is no longer an asset, because you would not pay $20 in paper money, to buy $20 in paper money, and you also would not trade $20 in gold for a $20 dollar paper note,…well, not if you had two brain cells to rub together. This paper money was supposed to be backed up by a gold reserve owned by the government, and it was for a while. Today there is far more money floating around out there then there is gold to back it up, for various reasons.
In this current economy we have moved to computer controlled systems of money generation, and manipulation. Currently money is, and has been for quite a while now, nothing more than a computer “byte” of information, within a software program in a bank’s computer.
In the old days, it was a theory that all money benefited people in general, only when it was kept in circulation. Money that is out of circulation is almost out of the economy, and is not benefiting anyone, to any great extent. This theory is still widely believed, however, the reality of money has changed so that this theory no longer is applicable, and I will explain why.
The secret has to do with money, verses assets.
In our economy, most of the wealth is consolidated at the top and owned by a relatively small number of people all over the globe,…they own and control Global corporations, assets and banks. If money and assets were the same thing, then why is all the gold, land, castles, mansions, palaces, forests, farms, mines, fine art, expensive cars, jewelry, malls, apartment buildings, oil fields, condos and corporations, all owned by those people at the top? Why do they not get paid off in, and accumulate the same, digital currency they pay us off with?
The answer is that “they are not stupid,” they know what real assets are, and they set up the whole monetary system we now use, so they could control the money game, with the intent of capturing all the worlds real assets, and leave us sitting with a bank account full of their digital currency, which is worth what???
At the end of the day it is the person who owns his house and farmland and livestock, and can feed his family, who is the winner, not the guy or gal with a bank account full of digital “Air!”
Digital money is still in circulation and gives the impression the economy is okay, however the real assets of the world have long since been bought up by the power brokers, and are no longer in circulation. This means that if the real world assets are in the hands of just a private few, then they are not available for the rest of humanity to enjoy! This is why real assets are not now in circulation, nor have they been for a long time. Additionally, when you are in possession of real assets, then you have something of value to trade with other people. This is of great benefit in those times when money becomes worthless. Try trading your account full of air for a side of beef during the next depression!
I hope you’re getting this, because the world needs people who are awake if we are to continue to make any real progress here.
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