I don’t have a problem with the idea of physical matter randomly forming. I do have a problem with it actually “doing anything” that could be classified as any kind of consistent, or frequently repeated behavior! Where does that come from,…what drives that?
Things in our world which have intelligence, reveal that intelligence through behavior,even down to the atomic level.
The question then is, “what is responsible for consistent or frequent patterns of behavior?”
Supposedly mankind was created originally through some kind of “random event” that resulted in a life form, which from that point on, evolved into what we are today.
So my question is,…which part was random? The original event, from which life evolved,…or the multiplication of that life form, which has now gone from being something random, to something which consistently repeats a pattern?
Somewhere this random life form seemed to have developed enough intelligence to develop repeatable patterns of behavior. The only alternative to that would be, totally random patterns of action that develop totally random forms.
This whole talk is about two different points of view or conflicting ideas about the nature of life itself. The first idea is that matter can develop intelligence on its own, out of the undefinable
The second idea is that intelligence itself is never sourced in the recipient, but is borrowed from a source donor, that being the creator itself.
There is intelligence in matter, enough to do what science says it does, but mater did not create that intelligence, it came “with” the matter, in the form of consciousness which the creator uses to keep tabs on everything. And how does he do that?
Because everything “is” the creator, that is why it has inbred, and inborn intelligence in the first place.
All problems about the nature and origin of life dissolve when you realize that “everything is God,” and everything has some amount, or level of consciousness within it, because of the source from which it originates.
What about that aspect of ourselves which we call “our consciousness?” where does that come from? Well we won’t get into the higher self, souls or over souls or the Holy Spirit, we’ll just say for simplicity sake that our consciousness is an aspect of the singular consciousness that is “God-consciousness.” This is how God, the Holy Spirit, our higher self, our over soul, and ourselves, can all be in intimate contact.
Next time you doubt the important and obvious roll consciousness plays in your life, just go to a hospital and ask someone who is in a “coma,” their opinion about the origin of life, and check out their response!
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