Sunday, March 31, 2013

Synchronistic Events

Synchronistic events are those which, in life appear to be accidental, coincidental, and out of the normal flow of life. In other words, they stand out in glaring contrast to the normal rhythm of your everyday life. Sometimes the odds of them actually happening seem to be equal to your chances of winning the lottery, however, that is not the case, it only appears to be that way. Most often events such as these, are orchestrated by your higher self, as a subtle way of getting your attention. They are designed to pull your consciousness “out of the world” temporarily, and re-establish and strengthen your connection to that part of you, that resides outside physical reality.

The pocket Guide To Loving Your Life: Blain Tomlinson

Higher States Of Being

The main difference between people's personal rates of vibration has to do with the ego. Most people are operating primarily in survival mode, and they spend their day thinking thoughts which primarily serve the self. Only when a person is able to move away from total service to self, will they understand and value higher levels of thought and action. When a person becomes equally interested in the welfare of others, they are then on the path to much higher states of being. They understand that the proper use of a person's will is to use it to develop their “own” character, not to use it as a battering ram to get people to perform some specific action, favorable to the person exerting the force.

The Pocket Guide To Relationships: Blain Tomlinson

Friday, March 29, 2013

Justice and Revenge

Life’s Big Questions #4
Q: What is the truth about justice and revenge, are they the same thing?

A: One must ask themselves where the idea of justice originated from? All things are first derived from thought, and so the “idea” of justice must have arrived first.

Yet the idea itself must have been born out of a preconceived “need” or condition that spawned the need for justice. Therefore the idea of “injustice,” must have predated the idea of justice.

Humanity's attempts to navigate within a dualistic environment brought forth those errors which were the natural result of not being in touch with universal guidance on a conscious level.

This left the human ego in charge of the bodies survival, and over time the ego has become the dominant means of communication and interaction in the world between people.

Human errors beg for correction, and the only real correction is truth.

If one were lost in the woods and were attempting to find the correct path that would lead them home, would the application of justice be capable of leading you out of the woods?

Justice then, can not really have been created as a remedy to error, or it would be able to be applied effectively to “all” errors.

Truth is the only thing that is capable of correcting error. Justice then, is a creation of the ego, who seeks revenge in all its various disguises as the solution to all errors or personal offenses to the ego.
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Law of Vibration

The law of vibration is the idea that like vibrations are harmonious and can coexist peacefully together without any alteration in their base characteristics. Dissimilar vibrations however, will act on each other in an attempt to modify or bring about a harmonious balance between the two dissimilar vibrational frequencies.

The Pocket Guide To The Law Of Attraction: Blain Tomlinson

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Establishing Priorities for Success

The establishment of priorities toward your success is always of paramount importance. If one finds themselves working at a job they dislike, the result of which causes them to think and act in ways that do not support their highest good, then it would be hard to achieve the success one seeks, within an atmosphere such as this.

The Pocket Guide To Success: Blain Tomlinson

The Future

Can we tell what’s in store for us in the future? Well maybe not to well in the very fine details about life, but in the much coarser activities, I believe the future is there for all to see,…staring us in the face, looking right into our eyes. What do we have a tendency to do? Why we look the other way, glance down, or look to the side to avoid seeing what we don’t want to see.

Your all probably familiar with the recreational sport of bowling, whether it be five or ten pin. This activity encapsulates two important concepts which have to do with forecasting the future. Once a person has gripped the bowling ball, and made that big swing, imparting all the weight of the ball and the energy of their arm to it, they then release it down the alley. It carries on under the momentum which has been imparted to it, and naturally you expect it to collide with the pins, if your aim is true.

So in that action you are able to forecast the future to a reasonable degree. You may not know how many pins will go down, but your certain the ball will reach the end of the alley, and that the probability is very great, almost a certainty, that some pins will fall. This is the theory behind probability and momentum. If you set certain actions into motion with enough energy, direction, and consistency, then you have developed a momentum destined to carry you forward, unless acted upon by an outside force.
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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Life and Contrasts

Life offers a maximum amount of contrast by design, which allows you the free will choice to move toward any aspect of life. Choosing the “best” of life, by being your best, is what creates the most joy for both yourself, and others, and you can only do this once you learn to love and embrace the contrast.

The pocket Guide To Loving Your Life: Blain Tomlinson

Goals and Disappointment

Sanora, I was thinking about the harmful effects of stress, and wondered how someone could pursue goals on a conventional basis, without being heavily invested in them. It seems to me that the larger the personal investment into a goal, the greater the potential for stress. Is there stress in heaven? Can GOD want something enough to create commandments, without being heavily invested in those ideas, and is GOD stressed, because of our failure to adopt, and live up to those commandments?

My, we have been busy this morning, haven’t we?

Let us begin. I believe your referring to disappointment. Stress has many causes and is a “physiological reaction” to your environment, via chemical means. Disappointment is a “psychological reaction” to your environment. You live in a world of duality which allows you to make choices, which in itself is a gift of GOD, for it makes your life interesting and enjoyable.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Success and God

What is the benefit of incorporating GOD into your plan for achieving success? Well it will save you time, energy and personal resources, by preventing you from going up a lot of blind alleys as you go about your daily activities.
It will allow you to be in receipt of higher knowledge, which will allow you to build your success on a solid foundation of truth, which is able to withstand the test of time. Lastly, it will allow you to enjoy your life and achieve a more peaceful state of mind, while you are working toward your success.

The Pocket Guide To Success: Blain Tomlinson

Dualistic nature of Earth

Life on earth is dualistic by nature, meaning that it appears to have polar opposites such as good and bad, hot and cold, dark and light, here and there, etc. Duality has a specific function within life, which is to create a framework within which we may make choices between one thing and another. Duality then, facilitates choice, and by it's nature is a representation of two different vibrational rates, or "extremes."

The Pocket Guide To The Law Of Attraction: Blain Tomlinson

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Good relationships to Others is Fundamental to Success

You might be wondering why you would ever concern your self with another person’s highest good, when you are still seeking your own? The reason is because this world is built on relationships, and no individual success is ever built on the actions of just one person. Success requires the cooperation and assistance of other people, who are equally sensitive to their own needs and desires.

The Pocket Guide To Success: Blain Tomlinson

Adapting to Higher Vibrational Realities

You are now reaching a period in the world's history, when time and events are becoming somewhat compressed, meaning that more of everything is transpiring in the same amount of time, due to those higher vibrational forces which are at work. This leaves you with a feeling that time is speeding up. 
All creation is first vibrational, and proceeds from thought. Your world is being vibrationally uplifted, as a result of external forces which are working to facilitate the completion of a plan, who’s origin is divine in nature.
Adaptation to these higher vibrational realities, is a requirement to remaining in physical form on this planet at this time. This will require an individual’s thoughts, attitudes and beliefs to become more fluid than at any time in the past.

The Sanora Journal: Blain Tomlinson

Saturday, March 23, 2013

A Lot About Nothing

A Lot About Nothing...

Writing can be fun, however, continuously writing something that is real, relevant, and vibrationally uplifting, often presents more of a challenge. In the latter case, you are consciously choosing to communicate from the upper half of the vibrational spectrum of thought and emotion, for the benefit of those who may be reading what you have written.

As good as this action may feel, my question would be, “is this really a service?”

Again I will remind you of the distinct difference between what “feels” good, and what “is” good. Some of you may feel that they are the same thing, and others of you may know they are not.

In the English language we have the word absolute. This is an interesting word, in that there is only one definable reality you can apply it to, which is the Creator. The Creator is absolute, however, since everything else owes it’s existence to the Creator, then everything else is dependant on its source, and therefore, can not be absolute.

Harmony in Workplace Environment

Workplace environments can subject you to thoughts, actions and people who are not in vibrational alignment with your highest good, which can become a cause of stress. Choosing work that you have a genuine passion for, will allow you to experience joy throughout your work day, and will go a long way to alleviating most of your normal work induced stress.

The Pocket Guide To Relationships: Blain Tomlinson

Friday, March 22, 2013

Love Being Positive...

Some of the vibrationally highest states of being and feeling, are those of love and joy, and being positive is a vibrational state which one must achieve and move through, in order to experience the emotions of love and joy. One could hardly move from a state of negativity, directly to the vibrational reality of love, in one jump. This is why emotional moods are generally not altered very quickly. But one “can” move rather quickly from a vibrationally high state of being positive, to that of love and joy, in short order.

The pocket Guide To Loving Your Life: Blain Tomlinson

Creating and Law of Atrraction

You are always creating, and so the law of attraction is about consciously harnessing that creative power with the intent of directing it toward specific desirable ends. 
Define, refine, visualize, believe and focus on your desires to make them a reality.

The Pocket Guide To Success: Blain Tomlinson

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Peaks and Valleys

Peaks and Valleys

Have you noticed the swing? Some days are diamonds, some days are stones, some days the hard times won’t leave you alone ( popular song, the author escapes me).

When you feel like that stone what goes through your mind? All good stuff ? Not likely!
On days like these, you’re experiencing the tyranny of the ego mind.

Personally, when I experience this, I try to smile and remind myself that nothing is supposed to be anything or anyway, other than the way it is. It’s all a big test.

A test of what you ask? A test of energy. All life is energy, thought is vibrational energy, and so all life is about how energy creates certain conditions, and how it reacts to those conditions.
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Attraction and Force

Attraction is equal to the action of drawing closer to the Creator, and is exemplified by the use of high vibrational thought and actions. The way attraction and force relates to your success is that, any use of force as a means of achieving your success, reveals your lack of understanding of what success really is, and how to go about achieving it. The use of attraction as a means of achieving your success, means that you are vibrationally aligned to the thoughts, beliefs, and actions which are capable of delivering your highest good to you, without the need to violate the rights of others.

The Pocket Guide To Success: Blain Tomlinson

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Love, Life and God

God is in constant communication with all creation via that portion of consciousness that each individual aspect of reality holds within itself, and so having said all this, it is fitting that if you are enjoying your life, or at least some parts of it, then gratitude for the joy you are receiving, would be more than appropriate. Gratitude is a high vibrational thought and feeling, and until one is capable of both feeling and expressing gratitude, they will not be able to feel or express those higher vibrational thoughts and emotions, such as “love.” Therefore, being grateful to your Creator (whatever your version of that is) is the necessary stepping stone to being able to love your life completely.

The pocket Guide To Loving Your Life: Blain Tomlinson

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


To have an illness or body ailment appear, one must ask what mental stress am I creating, which is showing up as a disruption in the normal biological workings of my body? There is a tendency when ill, to place more belief in the power of outside forces to create your illness, than to recognize the power your body has to maintain it's own health. After all, even if you are feeling ill, you are never one hundred percent ill! Most of your body is functioning as it should. Yet instead of crediting yourself with the power to almost work perfectly, you focus on that small disruption in the normal operation of your body’s processes, thereby giving it power out of all proportion to it’s importance and abilities. Sometimes illness is used to pull you out of your everyday life routine, and place you here in the “now.” It is often a very intense way of getting you to direct your attention toward hidden issues within your subconscious, which you have yet to satisfactorily resolve. If you could use that same awareness when you are feeling well, your life experience would be extremely different, less stressful, and much more enjoyable.

The Sanora Journal: Blain Tomlinson.

Can Young People of today "Make It"?

Can young people today still make it in this world and it’s economy?

That is an interesting question. First lets define what you mean by the phrase “make it.”
By that, I suppose you mean happiness, financial security, and emotional stability.

Well, given the current state of the world, there never was a time when youth was really making it in those terms. It’s such a have and have- not world, and unfortunately most people fall into the have-not category, and the difference between people is only in the degree that they fall into that category.

This is due mainly to the fact that the world is constructed as a socioeconomic pyramid, and there is only just so much room at the top levels of that pyramid for new people. Now because we are defining the term “making it,” in the same way most of you are (for your benefit), then the financial component in that equation plays an equally important role to happiness or joy, even though, in truth, we know differently.

The world has stacked the game in favor of the rule makers. So long as you decide to play by someone else’s rules, other than your own, you will be at their mercy.

The world is full of “experts,” Who says they are experts? Why the experts say they are experts. They not only define the nature of their own expertise, but they establish its value for themselves, thereby entrenching themselves in the top levels of the socioeconomic pyramid. It’s a club of experts who only have a limited number of openings that need to be filled every year.

Now,as a person who may be young (or even old for that matter) who is trying to make it from a very early stage in life,…who do you listen to?
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Monday, March 18, 2013

Cooperative Success Model

While the idea of competition has led man in the direction of fear, greed, and away from higher universal values, the idea of cooperation is based in those higher values, and the knowledge that all people are totally equal, and that no one's highest good is any more important than that of another. Therefore, the cooperative success model revolves around sharing, mutual respect, and love, which are beliefs that are only minimally practiced within social consciousness. As we have stated before, true success is largely emotional, and success achieved through sharing is infinitely more emotionally rewarding, than success which is achieved at the expense of other people.

The Pocket Guide To Success: Blain Tomlinson

Nature of Love

Your ability to extend equal care and concern to those people around you, is an expression of your true understanding about the nature of love.
Personal relationships with the people around you can be loving and joyful, but at the very least they should be peaceful. Peace is based on the understanding that all humanity is equal in it's nature, source
of origin, ultimate universal destination, and purpose.
With no real true difference between yourself and your neighbour, what could possibly be the justification for treating one person any
differently than another, or valuing them any differently from

The pocket Guide To Loving Your Life: Blain Tomlinson

Success and Emotion

The competitive economic model that you may be using to achieve your success is passing away, and can not survive in a world whose vibratory rate has been on the rise for the last several decades. Many of the ideas associated with success were established after the last depression era, when people and companies were scrambling to get back on their economic feet by any legal means possible. They are outdated, and represent the thinking of the past, and not the mindset that will lead you to your continual success in the future.

The Pocket Guide To Success: Blain Tomlinson

Quality of Life

The knowledge that GOD is an energetic intelligence of infinite capacity, goodness and ability, allows us to know that there are no limitations imposed on our ability to create, except those limitations which we choose to impose on ourselves through our beliefs. 
There is no shortage of energy in the universe with which to create anything, the only difficulty lies in each person's ability to release their mental conceptualization about what is, and is not, really possible.

The Pocket Guide To The Law Of Attraction: Blain Tomlinson

No Limitations on Creating

The knowledge that GOD is an energetic intelligence of infinite capacity, goodness and ability, allows us to know that there are no limitations imposed on our ability to create, except those limitations which we choose to impose on ourselves through our beliefs.
There is no shortage of energy in the universe with which to create anything, the only difficulty lies in each person's ability to release their mental conceptualization about what is, and is not, really possible.

The Pocket Guide To The Law Of Attraction: Blain Tomlinson

Disfunctionality of Governments and Political Systems

What do you have to say with regards to the disfunctionality of governments and political systems in general?

We would say, as we have stated so many times before, all actions are the result of the beliefs which precipitated them. Therefore a wide range of beliefs will be the source from which a wide range of actions are born.

With regards to politics and systems of governments, it would be accurate to say that they are the result of the core beliefs of the populace of any given country. As a consequence, the efficiency, affluence, and harmony within that country, is represented by those same qualities, in the minds of that countries people.

Love Yourself

Learning to love your life starts with your ability and desire to love yourself, and extends outward into the world, to include the rest of the people you share this planet with. It starts by removing the blockages you have created in specific areas of your life to receiving love, and follows through with the removal of conditions that you have imposed, that keep you from extending love to others.

The pocket Guide To Loving Your Life: Blain Tomlinson

Achieving Success

It would be accurate to say that all people having been spiritually created at the same time, in the same manner, from the same substance, by the same creative force, are all equal in their potential to achieve success.
Each new incarnation that you undergo, creates the illusion that what has happened to you is a first time process, and as a consequence of this illusion, each life becomes a make it or break it proposition for the participants, which works to generate a lot of fear and stress with what could otherwise be a very pleasant process.

The Pocket Guide To Success: Blain Tomlinson


Light workers then, are first and foremost, those who have awoken from the captivating spell that this physical environment is able to cast over people, and are now busily engaged in whatever particular agenda they had set for themselves, prior to this incarnation.

In most cases their agenda is to assist with the awakening of as many people as possible, to the greater reality ofwhich all are a part of. That greater reality being the recognition of the Creator, and the role that humanity is playing universally, in the unfolding of the Creators plan. It is a very important moment in humanities history, as both humanity and the planet are set to ascend together for the first time.


Emotions are the Motivating Force Behind Success

The question is this, "regardless of what it is that you are striving for in life, if you knew for a certainty that the attainment of it would bring you nothing but continual emotional pain, depression, and heartache, would you still devote your time and resources towards it's attainment?"
It may come as a surprise to many of you to realize that, the emotional content that exists as a result of achieving your desires, is the real reward in life that you are seeking. It is emotion that makes one thing more desirable than another, and is the motivation behind all the activities that you may engage in during your quest for success.

The Pocket Guide To Success: Blain Tomlinson