Wednesday, August 28, 2013
About War
Monday, August 26, 2013
Thursday, August 15, 2013
About Goals and Success
Some people might answer yes, while others might define the two ideas differently. Most people would agree however, that not achieving your goal would feel like failure.
When we set a particular goal and achieve it, we don’t hang up our skates on the wall and retire for life,…instead, we set new, bigger, more satisfying goals.
Our energy is put toward the attainment of any goal for the sole reason that, it’s achievement will make us “feel better.” In other words, we perceive that our goal will be life enhancing, and not detracting, therefore, it would be very difficult to determine what was life enhancing, without emotions.
Feelings are the motivation for all human activity.
Even self-preservation is the thought that you’ll feel better alive than dead. Unless a person understands their true motivation for all the activity in their life, then they do not know themselves,… or anyone else for that matter.
Regardless of what you may have been told in motivational seminars, or read in self-help books, the truth is that, feelings,… not logic rule your life.
Feelings fuel the fire of your desire, just look at relationships,…would you marry a person who you were not attracted to, who did not excite you, or did not give you good feelings when you were around them? Are relationships not the most basic and important form of creation, and are our feelings not vitally important to their establishment?
Relationships are established between yourself, and anything external to yourself. All the very same rules apply to any relationship. Feelings rule the day.
To discover your motivation you have to get to the core of what you are trying to achieve by fulfilling a desire. If you analyze your motivation, you’ll discover it is based in feelings, and if you “didn’t discover that,” it means you didn’t dig deep enough in your analysis,…you stopped short!
Now since everything you’re after in life is for the purpose of making you feel better, and feelings are vibrationall, it follows that, all the feelings you’re seeking, are good feelings,…high vibrationall feelings.
However, since only like vibrations are compatible, then only in those times when you feel good, will you be compatible with the vibrationall nature of your desire. In very simplistic terms we can say that,…you must first feel the good you’re hoping to attract or create. You must first feel what you hope to become. This is why feelings of love, joy, happiness and optimism, are all the most creative feeling states to be in.
Success must first feel good, or who would want it?
The fact that success does feel good, speaks volumes to those who would listen. Success is a process of moving from one good feeling thought, word, or action, to the next, in succession throughout your life.
The foundations of all success are the highest feelings, which draw from universal sources, everything which is a vibrationall match to what you have been “emotionally broadcasting.”
Trying to create good outcomes, or establish your success on a foundation of negativity, is like spinning your tires on a patch of ice, you don’t go very far.
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Why the Higgs boson ‘God particle’ matters
Scientists said Thursday that they believe they have discovered the elusive Higgs boson particle, sometimes called "the God particle," that is theorized to be a crucial building block of the universe.
It is an important development not only because it explains why sub-atomic particles have mass but also because it highlights the value of the collaborative spirit that led to its discovery.
The announcement is a step forward from July, according to Philippe DiStefano from Queens University in Kingston, Ont., when physicists working at the Large Hadron Collider near the French-Swiss border said they had found a particle that was "consistent" with the Higgs boson.
"They’re sort of pinning down the properties of the particle a bit better than they did initially," says DiStefano, an associate professor of physics and astronomy.
According to a release from the European Organization for Nuclear Research, or CERN, determining whether the discovery was in fact the Higgs boson depends on its quantum properties and how it interacts with other particles. After going through their entire data set from 2012, the results "strongly indicate" they have found the elusive particle.
'Touches every other particle’
First theorized almost 50 years ago by British physicist Peter Higgs and others, the Higgs boson is the only particle yet to be observed in the Standard Model of Physics, which basically explains how the basic building blocks of matter interact.
Friday, August 9, 2013
Evolution or Creation
If that is incorrect, is it not the idea that a single-celled organism authored itself?
If that idea is incorrect, is it not the idea that certain elements authored themselves?
If that idea is incorrect, is it not the idea that oceans, seas and lakes which gave rise to life, authored themselves?
If that idea is incorrect, is it not the idea that the earth, which gave rise to the waters, authored itself?
If that idea is incorrect is it not the idea that the universe, of which the earth is a part, authored itself?
If that idea is incorrect, is it not the idea that creation, which gave rise to the universe, authored itself?
The idea of evolution which is heavily backed by the scientific community, can’t possibly be true in the “largest” sense.
Evolution is the idea of change or progressive development over a span of “time.” The formula at its most basic level is,… cause (subject matter) + time = effect (evolution). Without the idea of time, there can be no evolution.
Time is like the color red, which exists as part of the color spectrum, but is not the whole color spectrum. This means that in many examples of reality the color red will be absent.
The color red is not a prerequisite for the existence of that which constitutes reality. In this same way, time is apart of the totality that is creation, however, time is not a prerequisite to all parts of creation.
In fact time is not represented in most of creation, but only in certain aspects of it. In other words time is not a prerequisite to creation, and does not exist everywhere within it.
In the third dimension there is time, and the possibility of evolution, therefore the idea of believing that life somehow authored itself can not be easily discounted. Outside of the third dimension, time may or may not exist, depending on what aspect of creation you are referring to.
Where time does not exist, then neither does evolution which is dependent on time. Now the question remains as to whether creation gave rise to itself, and the answer is yes it did, because creation itself is God manifested, and God is the first and only reality.
It is pointless to argue which came first the chicken or the egg when they both came from the same source, and so neither came first. “Source” means exactly that, the source of everything is that which came first.
God is all that is, and all that is not (potential). Creation is intelligence. Intelligence is visible throughout all of creation, but what is the source of that intelligence?
Evolution or creation is not the pertinent question. The real question is what or who, is the source of intelligence (or consciousness) that drives and supports all of creation?
Whatever that form that intelligence takes, it is the reality we have come to call God.
Monday, August 5, 2013
If God does not exist, then that leaves only the possibility of a random, unguided, unintentional creation. A limitless, eternal, all-encompassing state of reality which is just one big accident.
And,…not only that, but this creation which exists, is continually perpetuated, and guided, by the will and consciousness of billions upon trillions of separate aspects of consciousness. Aspects of consciousness who,… all are good enough to come together in a coordinated effort to keep this whole creation working, even though no single consciousness was responsible for its creation, or knows exactly how it works!
Does this work for you? Because it doesn’t work for me, and I suspect that it doesn’t work for any “thinking or feeling” individual.
Sure, I talk about God,…and that turns some people off, but some people have not learned to separate religion from God. Religion didn’t create the universe,…hell,… they can barely keep themselves organized and together.
God is just a three-letter word for the Creator of All That Is. Don’t get all bent out of shape over three letters.
The smaller your thinking is, the easier it is to buy into theories which sound intellectually, and scientifically possible. The larger your comprehension is, regarding the magnitude of creation, the more you realize that there can be nothing random or accidental about it. Proof??? Well let me turn the tables and ask “you,” why you can’t deduce what I can? What’s wrong with your faculties?
Everything is out there for you to discover,…but you won’t find the clues that will clarify what I’m talking about, on the sports page!
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